The END of Doubt

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When they exited the Nether, the duo found themselves in front of an old monastery. "Did not expect this. Satellite feed indicated there was nothing here."

"I'll be ready."
"Good attitude."

They approached the building, ready for an ambush of some kind... but it was truly abandoned.

"So, where is this 'ally'?"
"We're not quite there yet, Kiri."
"Where else...?"

Izuku noticed something about the wall at the other end of the room. There was one stone out of place. Feeling the wall, Izuku could tell that the rough stone had stood for centuries, to the prequirk era. He then pressed the stone button, and a mechanism whirred.

Kirishima was standing in the middle of the room, on a circular design that started to go down in a spiral staircase fashion. Losing his balance, he fell back and down.

"Sorry about that!" Izuku ran down the stairs, following where his more durable peer fell to. He found him at the bottom, in hardened mode. "Damn Izuku, I know your tests are tough, but I don't think I needed one."
"Heh, that's the Kiri I remember. Here." He held out his hand and pulled him to his feet. Looking around, they found themselves in a room with an intricate portal on the ground. They could tell it was one because there was lava below, and held in some kind of prominence.

"What is this?"
"I don't know... I've never seen anything like it before..."
As Izuku studied the frame, he noticed something that was familiar. It looked like an eye, but not from any living thing, and it was also within the portal frame. Izuku took out some blaze powder, and combined it with what was called an "ender pearl", creating... an eye of ender... when he placed it into one of the available slots, the portal hummed quietly before reverting back to silence.

"Alright, that answers that question." He made enough for the rest of the frame, and the portal activated, a black expanse greeted them. White pinpricks could be seen in the darkness.

"So, it led us to this portal..."
"Which only you could complete..."
"Well, nothing ventured..."

They both jumped through to the other side.

The stone beneath their feet was alien, strange. A bone white, it was unnatural. They were on a floating platform was only a short distance from the main floating island. Tall pillars of obsidian reached towards the deep purple sky, stars scattered throughout it.

"This is... unexpected."

Carefully, Izuku built a bridge between where they were and the mainland, carefully avoiding falling into the abyss. Kirishima followed behind, on guard and ready.

Black humanoids wandered the place, not heeding them at all.
"Don't stare at those things. They will attack if you do."
They explored this ancient place, reaching a structure made from grey stone. "This... I can't break this down."
"I thought obsidian was the toughest material... I guess not." Then he noticed a village of some sort at the top of the next hill. The duo approached, trying to not provoke hostilities. However, instead of being hostile, the tall humanoids gestured in a direction, like they wanted the two to go to someplace in particular. They realized they wanted Izuku to head to a particular structure at the other end of the town. And so, that is where they went. As they did, Izuku was fascinated by the humanoids. "I've never seen them act like this. The only time I've seen them is by themselves, and they are typically doing their own thing... and I've never seen them with town structures like this. I'll have to study them later."

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