The Ascent to Madness

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The fight turned out to be a slaughter. Those who didn't give up were killed outright, often faster than they could react. Very few could injure the duo with their armor, and even fewer caused lasting damage after Izuku used a regeneration potion out of annoyance.

As they finished those groups, the walls to the east and west detonated, signaling the arrival of reinforcements.


"Are we late?"

"We only just finished off these people. How is everyone?"
"No casualties among us, but a lot of revolutionaries got hurt from the defenses."

"I see. Can you hold all of Toshinori's troops inside the building? I'd like to help the wounded."

"Sure thing."
"Izumi, can you help them?"
She nodded, "Sure."

Kirishima walked alongside Izumi towards the rest of the group. "Look, Izumi... I'm sorry for how I treated you back then... we judged you on what you did, not who you were."

"It's ok, Kirishima. If I were in your position... I probably would've done the same thing."

"I just want to start over, if it's alright with you."
"Of course! All I wanted was for Izuku to forgive me, but he has done so much more... I would be a hypocrite if I refused your apology. Let's put it behind us."


Izuku had given the last of the revolutionaries medical treatment. Heading back, the voices he pushed aside constantly came back with a vengeance. "YOU IGNORE US?! FOR MONTHS WE SPEAK, YET YOU DO NOT LISTEN!"


They were causing a headache so he went by himself for a moment. When he was out of sight and earshot, he leant against a wall, and slid down to sit. CLutching his ears, he tried to at least quet them a little. Please... don't...

Jirou walked from those who were recovering, looking for her classmates to plan the next move. However, a new noise caught her attention. Peeking around the corner, she found Izuku curled up, as if trying to block out nonexistent noise. "Izuku?"

He didn't hear her, so she slowly walked towards him. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he turned to look at her, nearly jumping at the interruption.

"Are you alright, Izuku?"
"Why are you apologizing?"
"You've seen me like this."

"What is wrong with that?"
He looked up at her.

"Our emotions, how developed they are, how varied and unique we express them, make us human. You're not weak for breaking down. I'm amazed you've never done so earlier."
"Earlier I had Tenka. And Mon..."

"Your support has been taken from you..." She offered him a hand. "Don't forget we can support you too. You showed us what really matters. Friends, Family, Freedom... and you are basically family to most of us."

"Thanks..." He accepted the help and got to his feet. Pulling something out of his inventory, he spoke again, "Can I ask a favor?"
"What is it?"
"I am not the most... stable... of people... I am probably schizophrenic, and these... voices demand blood. It's so hard... to resist them. If I lose my mind... I need you to give these to Izumi. She is probably the only one with the strength to stop me, and these will stop me from coming back."
"You're asking me to help kill you?!"
"Only if I go completely mad."
"... It's that bad?"
"Yes. I don't know what will happen after Toshinori's fall, so this is for... for if the worst happens."

"Right. C'mon, Izumi and the rest are waiting."

Katsuki watched as the battle occurred outside the building. Knowing what is going to happen next, he went back to the wall where Mitsuki was chained up. "It's time for you to go." He pulled the chains apart, freeing her from her makeshift prison. She fell to her knees, and carefully got to her feet. "What will you do now?"
"What I should have done before. Go get Aunty Inko, she's just down the hall." He put on his mask, and left in the opposite direction. "Wait!"

The Bloodstained BladeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora