...But What Did We Win?

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Class 1A looked over their handiwork. "Right, should we go up?"
"No. Our orders were to secure the building, and make sure Izuku can get to his target. We will look out for any villainous forces, and buy as much time as we can."


"I don't think I can be a hero after this conflict, mon ami..."
"It's not what any of us realized would need to happen, but Izuku knew. C'mon, it's almost over."

Izuku was holding his own, but he was also faltering. The sheer number and unpredictability of the quirks AFO could use was too much. His exhaustion made it impossible for him to dodge anymore.

"Well... it looks like we are both at our limit... I'm sure Toshinori would be proud... or not. After all, he was able to put me into the ground when I was stronger than this..." He grinned.

"I'm not after his approval. You know that. And besides... why bring Toshinori, when I have someone much better!"

Izumi rushed in and clocked him in the head. Slamming into the floor, he sat up, unable to get to his feet... He noticed Izuku was still exhausted on the floor. "Heh, try avoiding this..." He set up a particular combo of quirks...

Wide eyed, Izuku could do nothing as the lethal attack aimed at him... but before he could do anything... Izumi got in between Izuku and the attack, taking it full force. The light from it blinded him, and he couldn't see if she was alright... until it was over.

Not even ash remained. A few purple particles fell to the floor, leftovers from the attack, but Izumi was gone. AFO was exhausted, laughing his head off as his biggest threat was gone. Now it was just Izuku, Tenka, and AFO, and he had a trick up his sleeve.

The chains on Tenka shattered, but she still cried in pain. AFO gave a single command. "Kill the Blade."

She stood to her feet, a new emotionless look on her face, but her eyes betrayed her pain. "What did you do to her?!"
"My plan... was to impart my successor with the tools to succeed... my quirk, my collection... my soul..."
Izuku paled... "You..."

"It is too late... even if you make me quirkless with that bullet you smuggled here... I will be reborn within her."

When Tenka was less than a foot to Izuku, she clutched her head and screamed. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!"

Getting to his feet, Izuku shuffled over to her, and pulled her into a hug.

"Izuku... I can only resist him for a few minutes... I need you to kill me while you have the chance."
"I... I can't..."
"Izuku. He'll win... the world will fall to the biggest tyrant and he'll... he'll be unbeatable..."

"Izuku... please..."

"I'll do it... but I will never forget our dream."

"That is all I ask..."

Izuku then angled the blade before shoving it under her ripcage up into her heart. He could feel her blood on his hands, and he wept.

"... before I leave... can I have one... one final kiss?"
"Anything for you."
They embraced, both crying in one final kiss before Tenka let go, and the last breath left her body. The weight of her corpse weighed him down, and he fell to his knees, still holding on to her, crying over her shoulder.

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