Arrival at the Training Camp

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The students were excited as the bus drove ever closer to the training camp. Izuku smiled at the peace, but saddened a little seeing Izumi be ostracized as she was. He had let her sit next to him since everyone ignored her.

I didn't want a role reversal. I guess misery does love company. "So... how was everything after I left?"
Izumi was startled from her thoughts, and glanced at him with shame. She was still genuinely guilty over what happened. With "Oh... it's been alright for me... but mom broke down into tears and vowed to be there for you. I didn't appreciate what I lost until you left. Dad though... he blames you for our sadness."

The pinkette sighed, and then offered some brotherly encouragement. This revenge shtick really was going a bit too far, in his mind. Especially when right now, it worked. She changed. Izumi wasn't the same spoilt brat from before. "I don't want you two to be depressed all the time. It not only is pointless, considering you are improving, but it also hurts me a little, so cheer up, alright?" He offered some 

She tried to smile, but looked over at the others, it withering away as she scanned the bus. "Is this what you felt like? I understand the teacher part, by now, but... isolated from everyone?"
Sugarcoating the truth wouldn't work. Lying to say it wasn't like this would be just misinformation at this point. To be honest, he had it worse, and they both knew it... but only now was Izumi reckoning with it. "Yes. You don't deserve all of this, but actions have consequences."
"Should I be a hero?" The fact she doubted if she even deserved to be was a whole lot better than before. Before she presumed to be a great hero, just like Bakugo...
A little self reflection seemed to be in order. "You should strive for who you want to be. Who do you want to be?"

"A hero... who saves everyone she can." That last part made him smile. It was clear that she had a heroic core... but it had been suppressed for so long that it was difficult for her to express.
And he replied back, his crimson eyes meeting her own. "Well... to save everyone, you must first save yourself. When we get to the camp, try to earn their friendship back. It will be hard, but it will be worth..."
Aizawa interrupted his statement by announcing to all: "Pit Stop. Everyone out." It killed the momentum of his words, ones that needed to be heard by his sister. 


"" He glared at Aizawa, who looked back at him, hiding a smug grin in his scarf. A rather uncharacteristic personality trait... only shared with people he liked. Yamada, Nemuri... and apparently Techno. I'll get back at you for that. When he left the bus, he put on his mask and found that two of the Wild, Wild Pussycats were there. Mandalay, and Pixie-Bob. Standing next to Aizawa, he asked, "Why did you interrupt what I was saying?"
"I only did it because we had arrived. It was only logical to do it that way."
Logical... my ass... "Right..."

They watched as Pixie-Bob did her speech, then when she was about to launch people off the cliff with her quirk, Izuku pushed Aizawa into the effected zone, forcing him towards his class at the bottom of the cliffside. "Whoops. I slipped. Grabbing the only thing nearby was the only logical thing to do. My bad. GOOD LUCK DOWN THERE!"



Techno you petty little shit!

Karma came knocking and she knocked hard enough to knock the door down!

I am saving that last one. Techno thought, as the two Pussycats looked over at him with trepidation. "You're one of the staff?"
With a wave, and a sly smile, he affirmed that, in fact, he was: "Yep. Name's Techno."
Meanwhile, the blond woman asked, a grin mirroring his own on her face. "You single?"
The flat tone of voice, coupled with his immediate shift in mood, put her in her place. Especially after he crossed his arms. "Nope."

Disappointment was almost visible for. "Aw..."
Meanwhile, Mandalay hit her on the back of the head, annoyed at her team member's antics. "Rag-doll, you need to get your personal problems out of the face of other people."
Snapping back, she growled, "SAYS YOU! Hmph!"

It was awkward to watch the two women argue. So... in order to make sure "Need a ride on the bus?"
Mandalay smiled at the offer. It would be nice to be able to relax on the journey back. It was exhausting to prepare the forest for the students and get to that position, and despite what her blond companion said, they weren't exactly young anymore. "Sure! Thanks."

When they arrived, all three of them met up with the other two members of the Pussycats, and brought the luggage out. Then the wait began. It took 5 hours for them to return, with a very grumpy Aizawa at the lead. He strode over to where Izuku was sitting, glaring down at him. "Why did you do that?!"

"Annoy me, I'll annoy you ten times worse. Consider yourself lucky I didn't slip you a potion of nausea or something." He grinned at the tired adult.

Suck it, Hobo Hero!

Ah, part of my favorite quote!

Pixie-Bob smiled at all of the exhausted students, "Great job everyone! That took you 5 hours, so you're just in time for an early dinner! Tonight we made it for you, but after tonight, you'll have to make every course yourself!" Everyone was grateful that food was given, and counted their blessings. Especially when the blond added: "Tomorrow will be hell for all of you... I recommend sleeping well tonight."

The next two days were hell for the students. They extended themselves in ways that from an outsider's perspective, would look like torture. Hell, Kaminari was even strapped to a car battery and electrocuted, and Tokoyami was sent into a dark cave and his quirk fought him for mental control. Izuku couldn't help but cringe after seeing the electric blond scream in pain due to this... "training". "Christ, And here I thought Stain was a tough teacher... Are you sure this is even legal?"

Aizawa watched them, no emotion in his eyes. "Their parents signed the permission forms."

Those weren't permission forms... those were consent forms.

Looking away, he just... couldn't watch any further. "Wow..."

Meanwhile, Izumi made some attempts at positive improvements. Her power had strengthened by a lot, but... she wanted to work on her character. So, the greenette made progress with a child named Kota, who has similar views to Izuku's. A bit of irony that did not escape him.

However, the third night would be the ultimate test for them all...

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