Breakdown of Reason

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Everyone was speechless, not believing what just happened. Tears started streaming down from underneath Izuku's mask, glinting back at Toshinori as the sun set.

Izumi covered her shocked expression, while Bakugo just stared, tears streaming down. Izuku was the first to act, running over to the desk. Toshinori aimed the pistol and fired, but Izuku dodged the bullet and knocked the gun out of his hands. He carefully extracted Eri from Toshinori's grip before kicking him to the floor. " No...nono.... I need a healing potion..." He looked through his inventory, scouring for one. Izumi teleported to him. "Izuku... she's gone."
"No, I refuse to give up..."
"Her pulse is already gone."

"Then CPR!"
She placed a hand on his shoulder, "Izuku, It's too late."

He sobbed over Eri's corpse. The bullet had passed through the right side of her head and out the left. Her face was left intact, but if you looked anywhere near the ears, you'd see the bone shards and brain matter. It was clearly too far... to late...






I already know.

Izumi could do nothing but sympathize with Izuku. They both took care of the girl as far as she knew, until Katsuki spoke up. "Of the little time I knew her, she didn't deserve this. Nobody did. Fucking coward." She turned to him in surprise, while he stared daggers at Yagi.

When she looked at him, her gaze turned cold. "My father would never do that, especially not in the name of the greater good. My father died back at that party, so long ago."

"I should have done this when I saw you step into that conference room."

That tone made the two of them go cold with fear. It was not the gentle, more human version they knew from his time as their tutor, nor was it the annoyance from dealing with Katsuki. Even though they weren't there, it was far from the fury he showed to Dabi. All restraint was gone.

"You killed the only innocent person I knew. I loved Tenka, but she wasn't as pure as Eri. She deserved better. To have a good life... but you never gave her a chance... so I'll put you in your place now."

The two, Izumi and Katsuki, stepped back reflexively out of fear. When the screaming started, both Toshinori's pained screams, matched only by Izuku's fury, they turned away, not bearing to look at what was happening. The crunch of bones breaking, the stabs into non-vital areas, at one point, he was even partially skinned alive, from what they could tell.

It took forever for the Blade to be satiated, but when he was, all that remained of Toshinori, was a pile of mush, and he held up his head, Hamlet style. "Hm... perhaps I should hang this on my wall... no, there's too much to do. Everyone who supported you, and those who would be inspired by you need to be taken care of first." He turned to them. "Don't you agree?"
"Izuku... we've only just won a war... can't we calm down? Take in the victory?"

"Take in the victory...? Every time we've had a victory, I've ended up losing a piece of me. Don't you see that? If we are to achieve freedom, we cannot rest. Blood must be shed, the battle never ends..."

Izumi's breath hitched slightly as she remembered what Jirou said earlier. He's losing it... he's lost too much.

"Izuku, you still have me, mom, and your class... don't give into them!"

"Into what?!" Bakugo was stunned about what was happening.
He clutched his head with his free hand... then stood up straight laughing at them. Tossing Toshinori's severed head, he taunted, grinning madly "Who needs sanity when I've got anarchy?" He pulled out a blade. "No-one to trust... if you try to stop me, I'll kill you here."

"You're not in your right state of mind. I don't want to hurt you."
"That's funny... they scream and shout, want you dead for what you did to me..."

"That was in the past..."
"They never forgave. Never forgot. And they demand blood. I can no longer ignore them, so I will give them what they want. The chaos to come will be divine... and there is nothing to hold me back. Justice will be blind, and I, It's adjudicator, jury, and executioner."

Jirou and the rest milled about on the lower floor, exiting the building as the full moon rose towards the sky. "I'm surprised we haven't heard from them yet."

"I know... should we go up...?"
Just then a shattering window could be heard. Looking up, they saw Izumi and... Bakugo falling out of the window. "Everyone, to cover! Don't let the glass cut you!"

They didn't have to worry about catching Izumi, as she teleported to the ground, carrying Bakugo.

The class bristled at his presence, but Izumi and Bakugo were more focused on what was happing at the tower. "Situation's changed. Jirou... it's happened."

Her eyes widened "Oh shit... what about him?"

"He came to his senses, and decided that Yagi was wrong. For a variety of reasons. But that's not the important part... I wasn't able to subdue him with the last resort..."
"Shit... this is bad..."
Kirishima asked them, "What's going on?"
"Izuku's been struggling mentally. Voices in his head want blood and vengeance. And now they're in control. What caused it?"
"Toshinori killed Eri in front of us."
"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"

"You heard me."

"And I didn't think anyone could get more evil." The moonlight started to turn red as the earth covered it's glow with it's own shadow. 

"It broke him, and now... he's the last threat. If he gets away, he'll kill so many..."

"Is it impossible to try to reason with him?"
"I'm afraid so."

He exited the tower, sword drawn. The lunar eclipse's red glow in combination with the way he  projected power appeared to make his wrath was made manifest. It chilled them all to the core.

Jirou called out to him, "We know what you plan to do, and it goes against what we all agreed to. We're here for freedom, not for whatever bloodbath you think you want now."
"It must be done." He tried to walk past them, "Don't try to stop me. My inaction has always cost us, and I can stand by no longer. Tenka, Sero, and Eri didn't have to die."

Izumi, Katsuki, and Jirou stood in his path. "That had nothing to do with you, Izuku. Evil people do evil things."

"And that is why I must act... Is this what you want? My Nemesis, My Sister, My Legacy? To fight me now?"
"You are not yourself. We all believed in you, but this is not what we believed in."
"... You just don't understand. I'll make you see the truth."

They tensed, but he didn't move. There was a moment where you could hear the gentle breeze move the singed banners of the now broken Yagi Regime, or the raging flames from the previous battle. He then jumped high, revealing a T made of a unique material. He placed down two black skulls. "Consider this your final test, students." He jumped off, slamming the third and final skull into the center. In a flash of light, another of those creatures was created. "They demand blind justice and blood, and I sure as hell won't ignore them anymore." He whispered to himself, "Even if some of them have nothing better to do than scream E in my head..." Smiling back at the group, he happily gave them demented encouragement, "Good luck..." He laughed maniacally as Class A prepared for the fight of their lives.

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