Captive With Benefits

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Izuku, otherwise known as Techno, The Blade, followed Inko and Nezu as they arrived at UA. Passing through the barriers, he marvelled internally at the massive campus. To the other two, he admitted, "To be honest, I've always wanted to come here at least once... when I was younger. It's different to arrive as a I am now..."

Inko laughed gently, although still wary as her boss was currently on her shoulders. "Well, I'm surprised Nezu even agreed with you."

Giving the rodent credit, he stated, "He is a brilliant strategist, but he hasn't had a true competitor in a long time. A blade needs to be constantly sharpened to maintain its form. The same is true of one's mind..." Pausing he gave it some thought, before delivering news to the rodent, a gentle reminder to up his game. "However, All for One would have considered that child's play. He needs to become smarter than he is. I was just practicing."

"A truly frightening thought." Nezu mused, panicking inside, but still remaining calm to observers. "But I appreciate the mental repartee, nonetheless."

Smiling, he gave the white furred mammal a nod of respect. While he wasn't truly a stalwart ally, he was at least consistent with his goals. "I'm glad you appreciate it."

Tapping Telemetrick's shoulder, Nezu spoke to her. "Well, this is my stop, thank you, Inko."
"No problem, principal." She lowered him to the ground, and he vanished into a bush, visible confusion on his face.

Izuku, meanwhile, didn't even blink. There was not much to say about that, really. "I assume one of his secret entrances..."
Whirling, his mother asked in surprise. "He has those?" 

She thought he was just gonna chill in a bush? it really a secret entrance if he can live in the walls?

"You thought..." Shaking his head, the pinkette decided to leave that topic behind. No need to burden her with the psychology of a potential rival. "Anyways... what are the classes like? I only know a few of the students by sight." That redhead came to mind, as well as the few in Hosu... as well as his former... associates.

She nodded, understanding his need. A good teacher knows their students before they meet face to face. "I'll get you the class rosters. You've only met students of 1A." That's true. He would be responsible for both classes... at least for now. Foundational heroics would need a better teacher, if what he knew was any indication. After all, his father had no right to teach children. Not if his childhood was anything to go by...

Sighing, he thanked her for the gesture. The two entered a building, and she gave him keys, as well as a phone, courtesy of Nezu. It didn't have the ability to call outside the school. Fair enough. The keys had a room number, and he'd be able to find it on his own. "Figures. I know Katsuki, Izumi, and Kirishima by name. I remember seeing an Ingenium 2.0, and a candy cane colored student as well during the Hosu incident. I'll meet with you later." He walked up the stairs, up and out of sight. He couldn't escape, but did have some privacy. Inko couldn't help but be concerned. It was a long day, and he'd be working with the students the following day.

She couldn't help but worry for their safety. Izuku was far, far different than he was before.

The next day, Aizawa waited within his room, watching the class all while listening for the bell that would signal the end of his vigil with his students... when Inko entered. Everyone looked over to her, but she ignoring the class, she went over to him and whispered quietly, already increasing his annoyance, since she was already someone he didn't want to deal with in the first place. "We have a new teacher."

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