The hearing.

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The finally pulled up and they climbed from the car as the others soon parked up and everyone crowded around them.

"Men files." The Sheriff ordered the other officers as they began emptying his boot from the various files McKenzie and Athena had spent every day compiling.

Athena walked over her to her dad and he slipped his hand in hers.

"Ready sweetheart?" He asked her quietly.

"Is anyone ever ready?" She replied, looking up to him completely panicking inside.

He laughed and wrapped an arm around her.

"I've seen the look on your face before. Eyeball's got the same look too, seen that look before too."

Athena let him begin to guide her and the rest of the group inside but she stared at him confused.

"When have you seen this look then?" She quizzed him.

"On mine and your mums face the day you were born and we realised we were parents." He said with a laugh as he held the door open for everyone.

Athena and Eyeball were soon checking in and being led down a corridor to a courtroom. Everyone followed without questions or hesitation.

Within minutes Athena and Eyeball were soon seated up front with the Sheriff at her side, while everyone sat in the pews behind them.

Athena felt Eyeball's hand hold hers under the table as he looked down at all the pages in front of them.

Looking around he saw another couple holding hands on the table next to them with another official looking man. A bunch of people he didn't recognise were seated in the benches behind them as he assumed they were there in their support. Not a fucking chance was his brother staying with those snobs.

Everyone was forced to stand for the judge and it finally began when he allowed them to sit.

Time dragged.

Athena was called up for questioning first.

She was attacked with questions about the dogs by the lawyer on the other side.

Eyeball felt himself tense up as he saw their Sheriff shake his head beside him.

He hated the way she was being attacked with questions.

Yet he was somewhat impressed to see how cool and calm she seemed, clearly she paid attention in training.

Their Sheriff was soon allowed to practically shower the judge in the petitions for the dogs, the statements from all the officers about the dogs.

Then it came.

He called for the dogs to be brought in.

Athena's eyes widened as the back doors opened and barking was soon heard wildly.

An usher was yanked along the aisle as Max and Jax instantly leapt about, yanking and pulling towards their section.

They were both so happy to see everyone again as everyone tried to get them to carry on walking.

The judge ordered Athena to calm the dogs.

She climbed down from the box and appeared in front of the judge, in the dogs sight.

She raised her hands as the dogs noticed her scent and began charging.

The usher had no chance.

His hands released their leads as they charged at her.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now