Cobras didnt cry.

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The car ride was silent as Athena pulled her cop car up outside their house. She sat in silence with Eyeball as he turned to face his brother but couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Take the dogs inside Chris, we'll be there in a minute." He mumbled.

Chris nodded slowly as he climbed out the car and helped the dogs down before leading them up to the house.

"We're gonna win this Thena..." Eyeball mumbled as he looked at the woman sat staring at the steering wheel.

She shook her head slowly. "We've already lost."

He shook his head quickly, unbuckling his and her belt as he shuffled over and grabbed her face in his hands.

"We haven't lost yet."

Athena nodded slowly, trying to avoid his gaze.

"We've lost him Richie, we've lost him and the dogs." Her voice cracked as she tried to fight back the tears again.

"No I refuse to accept that. You're a fucking K-9 unit handler for fucks sake! I'm a fucking cobra! You think we're just gonna roll over and let them win?!" He almost shouted at her, pleading at her to get her to snap out of this state.

"Being a K9 handler got me into this mess!" She shouted back.

"And being a K9 handler will save it! Those fucking dogs have only ever done what's right! And we'll fucking get them and Chris back!"

"How?!" Her shout silenced the car.

Eyeball didn't know what to say. He had no idea how he was going to get the dogs and Chris back.

"Exactly." She mumbled as she tried getting out the car.

Eyeball quickly grabbed her and yanked her back in the seat.

"You're not fucking getting out of this car until you agree with me. You're a badass cop Athena, this isn't going to stop you."

Athena shrugged slightly as she didn't even try to fight off Eyeball holding her back.

"I thought you didn't date cops." Athena mumbled.

"I don't." Eyeball said with a smile as he gently lifted her face with his hand.

He brushed her cheek with his thumb as he leant closer.

"But I do comfort them if they need it."

A small smile appeared on her face as every memory with him flashed through her mind.

"For comfort?" She asked quietly.

Eyeball nodded. "For comfort."

And with those words he leant closer and pressed his lips softly on hers. She kissed him back as he tasted the saltwater from her tears falling. He hated pulling away but he did so he could wipe her cheeks.

"How are we going to do this?" She whispered as she turned and looked at the front door.

Eyeball sighed.

"Painfully." He mumbled.

The pair got out the car and she locked it as they intertwined their hands and walked up to their front door.

They went inside and saw Chris sat on the sofa. The dogs sat on the floor by his side. He looked up at them as they gave each other a final comforting glance and a reassuring hand squeeze as they went and sat either side of him on the sofa.

Their hands locked together behind him as they both rested a hand on each of his on his lap. Max and Jax shuffled and rested their heads on Athena and Eyeball's lap.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now