Do it K9.

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Time passed before Athena and Eyeball finally left the bathroom. As they did they heard the boys chatting away in the bedroom. Athena could tell it was late by now and she knew they both had school the next day.

Leaving Eyeball to sort the bathroom she walked into the room and they both turned to face her, Chris was in bed the right way up and Gordie was at the end. Max and Jax flopped over both of them. She laughed at the sight slightly as they lowered their comics.

"Feel better?" Gordie asked.

Athena nodded as she hovered her hand over the light switch.

"Thanks boys. Now lights out, you got school tomorrow."

They both groaned and she held another hand up to them.

"Either I send you to bed or I send Eyeball in?" A smirk on her face.

Chris and Gordie quickly shared a glance before chucking their comics on the floor and shuffling down in the bed. Athena laughed as she turned the light out.

"Night boys."

"Night Thena." She heard their voices say in sync.

Smiling she gently shut the door and turned to see Eyeball standing there smiling.

"What's that look for?" She asked as she walked over.

He sighed as he rested his hands on her waist. "Nothing mum." He mumbled as she laughed.

"Shut up daddy." She said as he bent down and scooped her up in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he turned and headed to her bedroom, kicking it shut with his foot again.

"Now we're talking." He said as he gently lowered her down on the bed and hovered above her.

Athena awoke feeling refreshed and better than ever as she turned and saw Eyeball quickly trying to get changed without making a noise.

"Shit did I wake you up?" He asked, looking down at her with guilt.

She quickly shook her head and smiled as she looked around her room. Her eyes fell upon her police shirt and her smile faded.

"You okay?" She heard his voice ask quietly.

Taking a deep breath she nodded slowly.

"Need to face the music sooner or later." She mumbled as she climbed out of bed and quickly changed, grabbing her papers from yesterday she'd wrote out.

The pair left the room just as Chris and Gordie did as they all headed downstairs, dogs in tow.

Chris and Gordie sat at the small table and watched as Athena pulled out the freshly cooked toast and slid it over to Eyeball on two plates, who quickly buttered it and walked round to both boys, handing them one each.

They both grinned at each other as they watched Eyeball walk back over to Athena and nick a bite of hers, giving her cheek a gentle kiss and whispering something in her ear as he nodded at the boys and headed off out.

Athena finished hers and quickly sorted the dogs as Gordie and Chris cleaned up their plates. They thanked Athena before grabbing their rucksacks and gave her a hug and kiss goodbye.

"You're new parents are pretty cool." Gordie said with a smirk as they walked down the street.

Teddy and Vern rushed over and the four before all began chatting and laughing together on their way to school as Chris just smiled. Gordie was right. His new parents were pretty cool.

Athena finished sorting the dogs and giving the kitchen a quick tidy up as she slipped her shoes on and took a deep breath as she let her fingers trail over her police badge, hanging on her belt.

Jax hopped over and gently licked her hand. Smiling she crouched down to him and Max appeared at his side. She gently rubbed both of their heads before looking at Max.

"Look after your brother today okay? I'll be back soon."

Max barked as she rubbed his head.

"Good boy." She mumbled and she stood and headed out, locking the door behind her.

The walk to the station felt like forever as her palms began to sweat and her heart began to race.

When she finally arrived she took another deep breath before opening the door and heading inside. McKenzie's head shot up from the desk as he quickly jumped up and handed her a bunch of papers.

"All the papers. Do it K9. You got this."

She accepted them and nodded as she turned and faced the Sheriff's door. Slowly she walked over and knocked. Upon being told she entered and shut it behind her, facing her boss.

"Officer Lachance." He said as he looked up at her from his desk and leant back in his chair.

"Sir." She replied as she came closer.

"Sit." He ordered as he pointed to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

She quickly sat and reached into her jacket. Pulling out her report she handed it to him, letting McKenzie's files sit on her lap.

He cautiously accepted it and opened it up as silence fell upon the room as he read each and every word she wrote.

Athena looked down at the files. It was all here. Everything against Danny. Everything that proved he wasn't as innocent as a cop should be.

She looked back up at the Sheriff as he continued to read. His facial expressions gave nothing away as she begged, pleaded and prayed he believed it.

She had wrote down everything. From the moment she met Eyeball, how the dogs had gone for Ace but not him, they sensed the good.

She wrote down how he helped her with Denny and how he had shown good there.

She wrote down how Danny had behaved when she rejected him in the locker rooms, how he had shouted and stormed out.

She wrote down how she believed he had ignored Chris's many pleas for help and dismissed every case against the Chambers dad.

She wrote down how she wasn't the type to turn away from a minor asking for help, that went against the oath she took becoming an officer.

She wrote down how she believed that Danny was the one who had paid the guys from the view to go for Eyeball and Ace that day and had proof that it all didn't add up.

She wrote down how both Ace and Eyeball were no longer threats as they'd both decided to go somewhat straight and landed themselves jobs.

She wrote down how Eyeball was determined to prove himself worthy of having guardianship of his brother.

She wrote down how she wanted joint guardianship of Christopher Chambers.

She wrote down that even if he fired her she would still find another job and fight for Chris.

She wrote down how coming here and meeting everyone had helped her fully come to terms with Denny's death.

She wrote down how much she had fallen in love with Castle Rock, the people there, the way of life and most importantly the Chambers brothers.

Athena took another deep breath as she looked back down at the files on her lap. Looking back up at her Sheriff she pleaded again silently.

He finally reached the end of her report as he lowered it gently on the desk and looked up at her.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now