Bacon and eggs.

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Firstly I'm going to start by saying thank you for your love and support regarding the previous chapter/post/update.

The police were called by my colleague that night, he was arrested and his company were contacted by my boss. He's now lost his job and my company are helping me press sexual assault charges. Justice.

I have since spent every night watching Stand By Me, cuddled up with my incredibly supportive boyfriend and talking about what happened, don't judge they're my comfort characters.

I'm no longer letting him stop me from doing the things I love. Remember, NO means NO. And the cobras will always be there to protect you.

Thank you again for your love and support, I'm safe, coping and dealing with my own mental health in the right way.

Now without further ado, get yourself comfy, grab your pack of cherry flavoured pez and read  more about TeamRichthena!


Athena awoke to the feeling of being somewhat squished. Lifting her head up she looked either side of her. On her left side Eyeball had pressed up against her, arm over her waist. His mouth open slightly as his face was pressed against the pillow.

Smiling slightly she turned her head and saw Chris laying the other side, pressed up against her, his hand resting under hers. His mouth open slightly as his face was pressed against the pillow. 

Athena smiled between the two, there was no question they were brothers. Chris stirred as he rolled over and faced the other way. Looking back to Eyeball, who was also waking up but confusion showed on his face as he saw Chris.

"Wanna explain?" He whispered, pointing at Chris.

"Downstairs." Athena whispered back as Eyeball grumbled, unhappy about having to get up early on a Saturday.

The pair stretched as they climbed out of bed and Athena saw Max hop straight up on the bed beside Chris while Jax just wanted love from Eyeball.

She took his hand as they both headed downstairs. He set out sorting the dogs food out as she walked back into the living room and saw the pile of paperwork.

Sighing she went over and sat down before slowly picking up where they'd left off. She had just wrote Eyeball's address down as her own as he appeared and sat beside her holding a mug of coffee.

She accepted it and gently rested her head on his shoulder as he kissed her head. Leaning over he slid the pages over to himself as he took the pen and continued the paperwork while she leant against him, drinking her coffee.

"Why do I have such a bad feeling about this?" He asked, finally breaking the silence and fiddling with the pen.

"What bad feeling?" She asked confused, eyes half open as she stayed leant against him.

He sighed slightly, put the pen down and leant back in the sofa.

"We're not gonna win this Thena."

Athena sighed and nodded slowly. "We all know that's a possibility... even Chris understands."

"Yeah but he's still got his hopes up ain't he? He's got his eyes and heart set on living happily ever after with us." Eyeball sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "And I don't think we'll be able to give him that."

Athena rested her hand on Eyeball's arm. "You can't think he'd be better off with someone else can you?"

Eyeball shook his head slightly. "No not like that but I just think it's gonna happen.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now