Homework Christopher

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Athena let both dogs inside before herself as she shut the door behind them, letting the other officers slowly leave. She unhooked the dogs leads and crouching down in front of Jax.

"Let's get you some dinner aye." She said as he licked her face.

She led the boys into the kitchen as she began serving up their dinner. The vet had been right in that Jax would quickly adjust to missing a front leg and though she was happy he was relaxed and could easily hop about, it still hurt her to think about what could have happened.

Just as she placed their bowls down and they dug in she heard the front door go. Eyeball. She quickly rushed past the eating dogs and appeared in the doorway.

Chris smiled warmly at her as he came inside.

"What the hell happened? I saw a shit tonne of cop cars coming home."

Athena walked forward quickly and took his hands in hers, guiding him into the living room. He let her sit him down as he began to worry slightly.

"Me and the boys were called to a fight earlier." She started. "Jax got hurt."

Chris felt pain and the worry grow.

"He's okay and he's home but-"

Yet before she could continue Chris saw for himself as Max came bounding in to him, leaping up at his knees.

Chris stroked his head as he looked up and saw a now three legged Jax hopping in after his brother. He went straight for Chris, who dropped to his bum on the floor at the sight. Jax early began licking Chris's face, who returned the love and affection.

"Hey boy." He mumbled as he rubbed Jax's head. "Got a bit hurt today aye?"

Athena smiled down at Chris, who clearly didn't care that Jax was now missing a leg.

"He can't work now can he?" Chris asked up at her.

Athena shook her head. "Early retirement, hence all the cop cars. Officers send off."

Chris smiled at her before looking back up at Jax.

"Someone gets the cushty life now." He said as he continued to give Jax affection.

Athena smiled as she rested her hand on Chris's shoulder before standing up and walking to the kitchen.

It was only now she'd just realised how hungry she'd gotten over the whole days happenings. She slowly began preparing dinner as she heard the front door go again. Okay that was Eyeball.

She heard another voice though as Eyeball soon appeared in the doorway with her dad standing there. A smile lit up her face as she quickly stopped cooking and leapt at him, clinging to him tightly.

He gently rubbed her back and whispered soothing words into her ear as Eyeball smiled at her over his shoulder. He'd gotten her dad.

"Now where's my poorly boy?" He asked as he pulled away from Athena and she pointed into the living room.

Athena's dad gently booped her nose before heading into the living room, leaving Eyeball to wander closer to her. She continued cooking dinner as she felt his arms slowly wrap around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder.

"Hello officer beautiful." He whispered in her ear as he placed a small kiss on her cheek. "You did good today."

She gave him a confused look but continued with dinner.

"You were strong for him. Like a proper mum should be." He whispered again.

"We'll he's the closest thing I've got to a son." She mumbled as she felt his chest press against her back.

"Do you two ever stop?"

They pulled away and apart as they turned and saw Chris in the doorway.

"I'm hungry." He mumbled with a small smile.

"It's coming don't worry." She said as he grinned at her and headed back into the living room.

"You sure about that?" Eyeball asked, raising an eyebrow.

Athena scoffed slightly. "Well then if I've now got three sons you better step the fuck up."

Eyeball laughed and came closer to her again as she returned to prepping dinner.

"Whatever you say mummy." He said with a smirk.

His hands held her waist gently as he kissed her shoulder. "Don't tell me you don't like that." He whispered as he kissed up her neck. "Mummy."

"Shut up and start helping." She half snapped at him, unable to take the smile off her face. "Daddy."

Eyeball winked at her as he gently kissed her lips.

"You take the dinner I'll take the kids."

And with that he left her to it, stupid smile and all. Her dad came in just as he left and gave her a hand getting out plates and cutlery.

"You staying and eating?"

He nodded and smiled at her. "Gotta check out my new son-in-law." He said with a laugh.

Athena glared at him and he held his hands up.

"I know I know!" He said, still laughing. "His brothers a good kid though."

Athena nodded slowly as she eventually began dishing up the food as her dad helped her carry it out to the two boys.

Eventually they were all sat in the living room eating away, Chris occasionally snuck pieces of his chicken to Jax thinking Athena wouldn't notice, which of course she did.

"So what are you planning on doing about this one aye?" Her dad finally asked, nodding at Jax.

Athena sighed and shrugged. "No idea. I'd feel bad leaving him at home all day while we're both at work." She said nodding towards Eyeball as her father caught that. "I could always see about leaving him at the station, that way he'll have company and I know he'll be okay." She mumbled as she thought over her options.

"McKenzie's coming over tomorrow though so I'm sure he'll help me think of something." She added as Eyeball looked up, his ears almost pricked at the mention of another guy being here with his girl all day while he was out at work.

Athena's dad nodded slowly as they finished up in silence before she stood and took everyone's plates away. Her dad came and helped her with the dishes before they all saw him off.

Eyeball followed her back into the living room where Chris sat with the dogs.

"You got homework?" He asked his younger brother as he flopped down next to him.

Chris nodded and grumbled under his breath.

"You gonna do it now." Eyeball said as he slowly pulled Athena down on his lap as she faced Chris.

Chris shook his head. "No."

Eyeball laughed slightly. "Oh that wasn't a question."

Chris glared at him as Athena smiled.

"Homework Christopher."

He continued grumbling under his breath as he stood up, scooping his bag up on his shoulder and huffing his way up the stairs, Max and Jax following him up, tails wagging.

"I want it all done by tonight!" Eyeball shouted as Chris got to the top step.

"Whatever dad." Chris shouted back with his sarcastic tone on the word dad again.

Eyeball and Athena laughed as she moved slightly so she was straddling him on the sofa.

"Damn I could get used to this." He mumbled as he felt her arms wrap around his neck and he brought her closer slowly.

"I told you Richie." She whispered as she leant closer. "All you gotta do is take it."

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now