Criminals always win.

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Athena spent the whole day wrapped up in the blankets, the scent of Eyeball all over her. Every time she looked over at the clock more time had passed, her belly grumbled out in hunger as she ignored it. She had bigger priorities right now.

Max and Jax wandered around the room as they began getting irritated. Finally at 6pm she awoke again from one of many naps she'd taken and decided to get up.

Quickly changing into a pair of tight leggings and a tight vest top she grabbed both their chains and got them ready for a run. Slipping on a pair of trainers and shoving her hair up into a ponytail she grabbed her room key and some money, shoving it in her bra before taking off, down and out.

The sun was slowly beginning to set as she ran alongside the dogs, they were just happy to be out and about.

Just as they turned a corner Jax and Max instantly started growling and barking. Athena stopped running instantly and tried holding the dogs back as she saw Ace Merrill approach.

"Calm down love it's just me." He said with a laugh over the barks.

Athena placed a hand on their heads, silencing them.

"I just want to talk." He started as he took a cautious step closer.

She hesitated as she kept a firm grip on the dog's.

"About what?"

"Well the fact you arrested me for one." He started.

Just as Athena was about to reply he held a hand up, silencing her.

"Yet you let Eyeball run free." He finished. "Why?"

She shrugged slightly.

"There must be a reason." He pushed.

She shook her head quickly as she tried to hide it. But nothing got past Ace Merrill. A smirk appeared on his face as the lightbulb almost clicked.

"Oh now this is interesting." He said with a small laugh. "Have you actually given in to him?"

Athena shook her head and was about to reply but was stopped by Ace's laughter.

"My god this is perfect! See? Now you have to do what I say, because if you don't I can just tell you're new boss exactly how close you can get as a copper to a criminal."

"He'd never believe you." She snapped back, still holding the dogs back.

"He wouldn't have to. He'd just have to have the idea set in his mind that you and Eyeball have something going on and then you'd never be left alone! No-one would trust you and you'd hardly be in line for any promotions. Not to mention the shame you'd bring to yourself and your family if people found out that you as a copper slept with someone like Eyeball Chambers."

Athena felt herself copy the dogs as she growled at Ace.

"What do you want Ace?" She snapped back, the temptation to let the dogs go on him was growing too quickly.

"I'll give you two options, let you have a bit of a choice."

Athena tugged back on the dogs as she waited for him to continue.

"Either you leave Castle Rock and never return, taking those mutts with you." He growled as his head looked down at the dogs, who were still trying to get at him.

"Or." He looked back up at her. "You come with me with those things to see the same people you let them lose on before and give me that special free pass you gave your lil lover boy in future."

Athena grumbled slightly, neither of those options sounded too good.

"And if I said no to both?"

Ace shrugged slightly as he shoved his hands in his pocket.

"Besides telling people?" He asked cockily. "I could always see how much you truly care and say I'll kill Eyeball."

Athena tensed up.

"He's your best friend?" She snapped back at him, how she hadn't let the dogs lose already she didn't know.

"Yeah but seeing you're reaction would make it oh so worth it, and his little brother?"

Ace noticed her tense up at the mention of Chris. He laughed and shook his head.

"No no I'll let Eyeball live but Chris? Can't make any promises there."

Athena was fighting a mass battle inside herself as she forced herself to keep a hold of the dogs.

"Think it over officer. You're either with me or you're against me. And only one of those is right option."

He laughed slightly as she stayed silent, glaring at him.

"It's a cops versus criminals world sweetheart." He started as he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. "And criminals always win."

He winked and turned, walking off in the opposite direction. Athena finally let out a breath as the dogs eventually began to relax.

She could leave and never return, she could help Ace scare the guys from the View or she could do neither and Chris or Eyeball could get hurt.

Where was Plan B when you needed it?

She slowly began walking along the street as she arrived at the Blue Point, heading inside she allowed the dogs to jump into the booth before she sat herself down and quickly ordered food for herself and a couple of burgers for the dogs.

It soon arrived as she slowly picked at it, her hunger from earlier had gone as all she could think about was Ace. Would he really hurt Chris? Yes, without question. Would be really hurt Eyeball? She wouldn't put it past him.

She forced herself to eat as she looked around. Everyone was in their own worlds as the door went. Her eyes glued to Eyeball as he sauntered in, laughing with a couple of the other cobras. One gave him a nudge and nodded towards her.

Eyeball turned and caught her eyes, he gave her a small smile before turning away. He had agreed to himself to leave her be till hopefully seeing her at midnight. The boys soon got their food and headed off outside, laughing and joking about between them.

She sighed and quickly finished her food before shoving some money down on the table and grabbed the collars, quickly leaving without looking at anyone.

She turned and looked at the clock hanging on the wall in the diner. 8:59pm. She looked both ways down the street.

One way would lead her to B&B where she could go and never look back, heading home away from all the ones she'd had since coming here.

The other way would lead her to graveyard where she could wait and meet Eyeball at midnight, she could tell him all about Ace's threat and he could help her figure out what to do.

She looked down at the dogs who stared back up at her.

"Don't look at me like that." She mumbled as her heads rested on their heads.

Max whimpered slightly as he pawed at her leg. She sighed and nodded down at them.

"It's best for everyone if we just leave, you know it too." She mumbled as she gently tugged on their chains and began walking off down the street.


On a night shift tonight so plenty more chapters will be going up!

Let me know if you're liking it so far!

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now