I believe them.

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Athena stumbled as she tried to stand but quickly felt 4 hands hold her up. She turned slightly and saw Ace and Eyeball by her side, holding her up. The door was quickly shut as he stopped Max leaping through, earning him a growl but was silenced by Athena.

"This better be fucking good." She heard Ace snarl beside her.

The vet nodded slowly. "It's a bit of both." He mumbled as he stepped closer, cautious of the cobras and incredibly emotional police handler.

"We managed to remove the knife and stabilise him."

Athena felt her whole body relax as the boys continued to give her the strength to stay standing.

"However." He started slowly. "The trauma his leg took is great." He looked at Athena.

She nodded slowly, understanding as she turned her body into Eyeball. He wrapped his arms around her tight and held her up as she looked at the vet from his arm.

"You know what this means?" He asked her.

She nodded and buried her face in Eyeball's chest. "Do it." She mumbled, shutting her eyes tight, more tears now began to fall.

"Do what?" She heard Eyeball ask.

"Do fucking what?" Ace snapped at him at the same time.

She heard the vet sigh as he replied. "We have to amputate the leg."

Neither boys said anything as the vet stepped forward, looking down at Max before back at the boys.

"We gave him a sedative to sleep but you're welcome to see him before we do the surgery."

Athena quickly yanked herself from Eyeball and almost knocked over the vet as she flung the door open. Max bounded forward, leading the way to his brother.

The pair burst in another room as Athena halted. Jax was laying asleep on a surgery table. Max began instantly trying to jump up and get to his brother.

"Jax..." she stuttered out through tears as she forced herself at the table.

Gently resting her a hand on his stomach she stroked his sleeping head with the other.

"Be a brave boy Jax. You can do this." She mumbled as she saw his front leg all strapped up where they'd managed to stop the bleeding.

Max barked, hoping it would get his brother to wake up. It didn't. Jax lay sleeping still, tongue out held with a clip as a tube was down his throat. It tore her apart inside to see him like this.

"You're gonna be okay boy, I promise. You're gonna do this last job and come home with me and Max." She blubbed through tears.

"I need you Jax." She muttered as she lowered her head onto his and let her tears fall onto his face.

Her fingers ran through his fur as clung to the hope he would be okay. Max constantly nudging her side as he kept trying to reach up onto the table.

Athena pulled away from Jax as she bent down and scooped him up, holding him up he placed his front paws on the table and bent down, gently licking Jax's face.

"We're both here for you boy." Athena mumbled as she gently lowered Max back down and he raced out the room.

Athena bent down and gave Jax one last kiss before slowly and very reluctantly leaving the room.

She gave the vet a small nod as she returned to the safety of Eyeball's arms, seeing Max had surprisingly gone to sit by Ace's side.

The vet quickly disappeared as Eyeball looked down at the crying girl in his arms.

"And now we wait." He mumbled as he kissed her head softly, every bone in his body praying the dog would be okay.

Time went by slowly as Ace watched the clock, Athena and Eyeball had finally sat down yet she stayed buried into his chest and he refused to let her go.

Seconds turned into minutes.

Minutes turned into the first hour.

Just as Ace was getting impatient at not hearing anything they all turned and saw the front door flung open.

Danny and McKenzie flung themselves in and almost tripped over Max as Danny's face showed nothing at anger at the sight of Athena in Eyeball's arms.

"The fuck?!" He snapped as he looked down at the pair.

Athena quickly stood up as McKenzie shoved him.

"Oh shut up Stiles. Not the fucking time." He snapped as he yanked Athena to him, his arms wrapped around her tight.

She clung to him as he gently rubbed her back.

"We came as we heard, what the fuck happened?" He asked as he gently pulled away.

They had noticed Ace and Eyeball had both stood and were by each other's side.

"Yeah what happened? The dogs weren't meant to be there." Danny snapped at Ace and Eyeball.

Athena thought over that statement but Ace stepped forward.

"They're fucking police dogs. What the fuck do you think happened?" Ace growled at him as Eyeball placed a hand on his arm, holding him back.

McKenzie turned slightly and placed a hand on Danny's arm.

"It was that call at the station." Athena said turning to McKenzie. "5 guys were fighting with these two at their work and one of them stabbed Jax." She said as she tried to fight back the tears, mentioning Jax.

McKenzie quickly pulled her into another tight hug as he apologised for sending her out, even though they'd been requested.

"Who were the guys?" He asked over Athena's shoulder to Ace and Eyeball.

"Guys from the View. Came at us outta nowhere." Eyeball snapped slightly, trying not to get jealous of this Officer with his arms around Athena.

"You haven't started anything?" McKenzie asked, curious as to why this happened.

Ace and Eyeball both shook their heads.

"Oh come on like we're gonna believe them." Danny scoffed gesturing to the two criminals.

Athena quickly pulled away from McKenzie as she stepped back to Eyeball's side.

"I believe them." She snapped at him.

"Oh course you would." Danny snapped back at her sarcastically.

Eyeball clenched up beside her as he took a step forward but was held back by Ace and McKenzie.

"Easy boys, let's everyone just chill for a second." McKenzie snapped, holding a hand up to each Danny and Eyeball. "Let's focus on the fucking dogs for starters then sort this shit out later." He finished as he crouched down to Max.

"How you doing boy?" He asked quietly as Max trotted over and allowed McKenzie to give him attention.

Athena gently tugged on Eyeball's arm as he slowly stepped back, refusing to take his eyes off Danny, who was naturally glaring back.

Eyeball knew he wanted her, he just wondered how far he'd go to get her. How far would he go to get him out of the picture? Surely not he thought as the idea crossed his mind.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now