I promise.

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Chris made dinner for everyone that night. The three ate in silence as none knew what to say. After dinner Chris cleaned up every dish before giving them one final look and heading upstairs to get his stuff sorted.

Athena had to fight back the tears as she bagged up a few things for both dogs. Everytime Eyeball went to touch her she shoved him off, not wanting any contact.

She was in the kitchen giving them one final treat as she heard the door knock and Eyeball answered it.


She looked up and saw him in the doorway of the kitchen. She knew it was her boss here for them.

"Go get Chris, I got this." She mumbled as she stood up and held onto the leads attached to the dogs.

He nodded and disappeared as she led them into the hallway and saw the Sheriff stood just outside her front door, a painfully sorry look on his face.

"K9..." he muttered as she shook her head at him.

Quickly walking over she handed him the leads as he took them. She had to fight herself internally as her hand remained locked around the leads.

Eyeball came downstairs with Chris behind him, holding three bags and his backpack on his back. Chris had clearly been crying as he appeared at Athena's side. Eyeball saw her hand still holding the lead as he reached out and took it in his.

His fingers slowly rubbed hers as his arm went around her waist and held her close as he gently pried her fingers from around the leads.

The second her fingers detached she couldn't stop the tears as she buried her head into his shoulder. Chris started sniffling as Eyeball grabbed him and yanked him into him.

Chris clung to Athena and Eyeball as he felt his brothers strong arm around him, Athena's hand gently rested on his head.

"You're coming home Chris don't worry."

Chris pulled his head away and looked up at his brother, who nodded. Athena turned her head to Chris and took a deep breath, trying to control herself as she placed both hands on Chris's cheeks.

"You gotta help us and don't cause any trouble. No issues, no arguing, no fights." She took another deep breath. "Can you do that for us?"

Chris nodded slowly as he sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve. Athena's thumbs gently stroked his cheeks.

"You gotta do this Chris, the quicker this is all over, the quicker you'll be home."

He nodded again as he shut his eyes, feeling her lips on his forehead.

"Please be good Chris." She whispered as she pulled away and looked up at Eyeball.

He gave her a quick glance as he looked down at his brother.

"Don't fuck this up shitbag." He mumbled.

Chris laughed slightly as he nodded up at him.

"I mean it, you remember what I said? Or when you come home you're doing the dishes for a month."

Chris shrugged slightly and smiled weakly up at them.

"I'll be good. I promise."

Athena and Eyeball both nodded as Athena leant down and gave him another kiss on the head as Eyeball ruffled up his hair.

Chris's hand clamped onto Athena's as he slowly took a step out the door, holding onto his bags in the other.

"Take the day off tomorrow Lachance, I'll see you the day after and we'll start sorting this mess out."

Athena nodded up at her boss as she felt Chris's hand slowly slip from hers. Eyeball quickly reached out and took hers in his as he clutched her tighter to him.

Her arms wrapped around his waist as he held her close, watching the Sheriff lead the dogs and Chris away to his car.

They watched as Chris helped both dogs in the car and put his bags in the boot before climbing in the back, his arms wrapped around the dogs as they climbed on top of him to look out at Athena and Eyeball.

Max tried clawing at the window as the Sheriff got in the front and gave the pair one final sorry look before starting up and heading off.

Eyeball reached out and slowly shut the door as Athena finally cracked again. The sound of her sobs filled the house as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her upstairs.

He went into their room and gently lay her on the bed as he lay next to her. Her hands gripping and yanking at his top, bunching it up in her fists as she cried into him.

His arms stayed locked around her as he gently stroked her hair, listening to nothing but her cries and saying nothing. There was nothing he could say.

He slowly felt her breathing calm as her tears eventually stopped and she soon felt limp in his arms. She'd cried herself to sleep. Completely exhausted and tired.

Only when he knew she was fully asleep did he gently allow his eyes to shut, his mind filling with dreams of reuniting her with Chris, Jax and Max.

Yet his dreams portrayed the opposite. Chris had grown up and turned on them. He blamed them for being taken away. The dogs had completely turned against Athena, believing her to have willingly given them up.

He shot up and looked around, panic set in when he saw she was gone. He flew out of bed and rushed out the room. His eyes fell on Chris's bedroom door as he slowly walked over and pushed it open.

Athena lay fast asleep on Chris's bed, her arms wrapped around Max and Jax's favourite teddies. He sighed as he stepped closer to her and gently brushed the hair from her face.

"I'll get them back." He whispered as he crouched down and gently kissed her forehead. "I promise."

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now