That wasn't such a bad idea

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Athena finally managed to start unpacking the many bags of stuff, she went upstairs and made her own bed before making up the single bed.

Just as she plated up more food for the dogs they suddenly started barking. She put their bowls on the floor before quickly heading to the front door, grabbing her gun she raised it up as Chris suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, he was still damp but had changed into the fresh clothes she'd brought him.

"Bedroom." She ordered at him as he saw the dogs barking and trying to get out the front door.

He nodded quickly as she looked down at Max. Using her fingers to click and point she ordered him upstairs with Chris. He growled but rushed up the stairs after the boy.

Leaning down she held onto Jax's collar as she heard raised voices from outside. Using her hand with her gun she quickly flung open the front door and pulled back, raising her gun in one hand and holding onto Jax with the other.

Instantly she let Jax go as he went bounding up to Eyeball who was being held up by Charlie and Billy. Blood was pouring from his face as the boys tried to shake the dog off him.

She quickly moved aside as Charlie and a Billy half carried him in as he stumbled about. They placed him on the sofa as Jax instantly leapt up with him and tried licking him.

Athena rushed up the stairs and into the bathroom, grabbing a flannel she ran it under the water as she heard a small voice.


She quickly rushed into Chris's room as he stood there, Max by his side.

"It's okay, it's just Eyeball, he's hurt though." She said as she turned and rushed back downstairs.

Charlie and Billy were standing back from Eyeball as Jax had growled at them whenever they came closer. Athena reappeared with Chris and Max behind her as she quickly sat next to him and held the flannel to his face, trying to stop the bleeding.

"What the hell happened?!" She snapped at him before looking at Billy and Charlie.

Charlie scratched the back of his head and gently shoved Billy forward slightly, who glared at him before looking back to her.

"He got in a fight with Ace. Vince and Fuzzy stayed back to deal with Ace so we brought him here." He mumbled as he took a step back, noticing Max's low growl as he got too close for his liking.

Athena looked back at Eyeball.

"Why'd you fight Ace?" She asked as she looked between him and the other cobras.

"Eyeball told us about what Ace said to you." Billy started.

"About you either leaving or letting him use you and the dogs or.." Charlie started but stopped when he looked at Chris.

"They got in this big bust up over it, thought they were gonna knock each other out. Couldn't tell who got out worse if I'm honest." Billy finished as Eyeball pulled away the now bloody flannel.

His nose had stopped bleeding but he was still covered in blood as he it the towel on the side and gently wiped his nose.

"Don't suppose you fancy arresting him again?" He said with a small laugh.

Athena glared at him as he slunk back slightly.

"Nevermind." He grumbled to himself as noticed her annoyed expression.

"Could you really arrest Ace for that?" Billy asked after a few moments silence.

Athena turned to him and sighed, shrugging slightly.

"Potentially, Eyeball would have to be willing to press full charges if you wanted it to actually do anything. You boys would also have to provide witness statements claiming Ace initiated it and Eyeball only fought back in self defence otherwise you'd run the risk of being arrested too." She finished up as she looked back at Eyeball.

Everyone sat in silence.

"What about Ace's other crimes? Surely that would help?" Chris mumbled as he stepped closer to her.

She reached out and took his hand and gave him a sympathetic look.

"Sorry Chris but I have a feeling your brother was involved in them too."

He squeezed her hand defeated as he sat on the edge of the sofa.

"If we did.." Charlie started as everyone looked up at him. "If we did say it was Ace that started it and Eyeball only used self defence... what would happen?"

Athena looked at Eyeball before back at him. "If you all did that I could probably get Ace arrested yes."

Charlie and Billy gave each other a glance with a silent conversation between them before they nodded and looked back down at Eyeball.

"We're with you." Billy said quietly.

Athena smiled up at them before looking back at Eyeball.

"It's up to you." She mumbled.

He nodded slowly as he looked down at his lap. "Can I think on it?" He asked.

She nodded slowly. "If you let me know tomorrow morning before I leave for work I'll know if I've got my second assignment or not."

"What's your first?" He asked looking up at her.

"Police business." She said with a smile as she tapped the side of her nose.

He smirked but shook his head at her as Billy and Charlie came over to him.

"We'll leave you to it." Charlie mumbled as they both shook Eyeball's hand and let Chris guide them out.

Chris shut the door behind the cobras and came back, looking down at Athena and Eyeball, who were now sat staring at each other, their hands sat next to each other on the sofa, close yet not quite touching.

Chris smirked to himself as he walked through, past them but picked Eyeball's hand up and gently put it back down on top of Athena's as he walked off into the kitchen, smirking.

"I'm hungry." He said as he began riffling through the cupboards to make himself food.

Athena and Eyeball laughed slightly as he gently laced his fingers with hers before nodding to the kitchen.

"Since when has my brother got a second home?" He asked as she shuffled closer and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Since you both needed it."

Eyeball gently kissed her head as he heard Chris shout that he was gonna make them all a sandwich and feed the dogs.

"Bloody hell, next thing you'll be bloody taking guardianship of him." He mumbled with a smile.

Athena smiled as she felt Eyeball give her hand a gentle squeeze. That wasn't such a bad idea.

Eyeball smiled as he felt her squeeze his hand. That wasn't such a bad idea.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now