You wanna stay don't you?

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Athena and Eyeball awoke to the feeling of two large dogs leaping up onto the bed with them as Max began attacking Eyeball's face with licks.

She laughed as she gently pushed them off, he grumbled as he half tried to roll over but let his arm drape over Max and rest on her lap.

She smiled as she looked down at his sleepy grumpy face that Max continued to lick.

"Alright alright I'm up." He grumbled as he pushed the dog away gently and forced himself to sit up.

Max finally calming down and resting his hand on Eyeball's lap. Athena laughed as she watched Jax curl up on her. He gave her his signature smirk as he held out his hand to her.

"I don't date criminals." She said with a small smirk.

"And I don't date coppers." He said laughing slightly.

She reached her hand out and let hers rest on his, he intertwined their fingers and let them rest in between them, his thumb gently rubbing her hand.

"You know what happened last night can't happen again right?" She mumbled as she looked down at their connected hands.

Eyeball nodded slowly, they came from completely different worlds. A copper and a criminal.

"You don't regret it do you?" He mumbled as his gaze stayed firm on their connected hands.

She sighed slightly as she shook her head.

"Not a chance."

He smiled as he looked up at her. "So it ends when we leave this room?"

She took a deep breath and nodded. "It ends when we leave this room."

A smirk appeared on his face as he gently nudged Max off his lap as he shuffled closer, his legs pressing up against her as his arms wrapped around her, trying to pull her closer.

"Then we ain't leaving." He mumbled as he gently pressed his lips on hers.

Just as she brought her hands up to his face they pulled away to a knock at the door.

"Dad?" Eyeball mumbled.

"Dad." She mumbled in response as he leapt out of the bed quickly, wrapping one of the blankets around his waist he shuffled himself under the bed.

She quickly jumped out the bed and wrapped the other blanket around herself as she laughed at him.

"You've done this way too many times." She said still laughing as she went over and opened the door.

Opening it her dad walked in, giving her a small smile. She held the blanket up around her as she began sorting out food for Max and Jax, who were beginning to try climb under the bed again.

Her dad laughed as he watched their attempts. "You gotta move those treats Athena."

She nodded slowly as she put the bowl down and quickly changed the water in their other bowl.

"So you gonna tell me how it went?" Her dad asked as he wandered around her room.

"How what went?" She asked as she placed their bowl down, giving Max a gentle stroke.

"Your night shift? I know you've probably only had a few hours sleep but I just wondered." He asked quietly.

Athena thought over last night, if she was being honest she'd had even less sleep than he thought but she wasn't about to go blabbing.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now