10-60, 10-10

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Athena sighed as she walked back out to the main reception. Danny had stormed out moments before, fuming with her ending what there hadn't even been.

"Went that well aye?"

She looked up as the dogs gently licked her hands and McKenzie gave her a weak smile.

"You heard?"

He shrugged slightly nodding. "Not to mention the cold gust of wind he gave away storming out of here."

She sighed as she pulled up another swivel chair next to him. He laced his arm around her shoulders and gently tugged her closer.

"Cheer up K9. You always got this other guy."

She looked up at him and gently smiled.

"You really heard it all?" She asked.

He nodded, the smile still on his face. "You gonna spill the beans or not?"

She glared at him as he laughed before releasing her and turning back to his computer.

"Hey Kenzie..." she mumbled.

"K9." He replied as he flicked through various pieces of paperwork.

"Can you check something up for me?"

He nodded as he continued with his work before grabbing up a bunch of papers and pushing his chair back.

"Do it yourself if you want."

She smiled at him as she wheeled herself closer and began typing into their system.

"You ain't dating a kid are you?" She heard him ask as he perked over her shoulder.

She shook her head quickly as she turned back to the file of one Christopher Chambers.

"Just checking something." She mumbled.

She hovered the mouse over the fact the police had been called to his house on various occasions.

"Poor kid." McKenzie mumbled. "Whole families pretty screwed there."

She turned to him, pretending to give him a confused look.

"Mums dead. Dads a nasty piece of work, had him in here too many times. Older brothers one of those cobras, even had him in here before. Kids just become a thief."

She turned back to the computer and saw it been marked down that Chris was one to watch. The police believed he would turn out just like his brother.

"How come he's not been taken from his dad?" She mumbled.

McKenzie sighed behind her as he clicked through his papers.

"Unfortunately K9, the Chambers aren't exactly held in high regards. Guess none of the coppers have given enough care to the boy to do anything."

"And you? What do you think?" She asked, turning to face him.

He looked down at the floor before back up at her. "Kid got dealt a bad hand in life. One officer can't change that all by himself, that dad don't go down easy."

Athena thought before smiling weakly up at him.

"What about one officer with a K9 team?" The smirk grew on her face.

McKenzie smirked back at her.

"You really wanna take that case on K9?"

Athena nodded as she looked down at the dogs, sat by them, before back up at McKenzie.

"We do."

McKenzie's smile disappeared. "You know the kid would go in the system? Probably be moved outta Castle Rock? No other family."

"His brother."

McKenzie laughed slightly. "Eyeball Chambers don't care, yet to find someone he does care about sides himself."

Athena smiled as she turned back to the computer and brought up Eyeball's file.

"I think it would surprise you." She mumbled.

McKenzie shuffled closer and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Know something I don't K9?" He whispered.

"That depends." She whispered back.


"On if you're with me on this? This dad goes down, Chris is safe then Eyeball and whoever else gets custody." She said turning to face him.

McKenzie's mouth smirked at her.

"Well well well K9..." he whispered. His hand crept forward as he offered it to her.

She smiled at him as she reached out and shook it gently.

"How long?" He asked.

"How long what?"

"How long you been with his brother?"

Athena tried to hide the blush. "I don't date criminals." She mumbled as she broke eye contact and looked back at the computer.

McKenzie laughed beside her. "Whatever you say K9."

"You still in?" She asked quietly, somewhat afraid to face him.

"As I said, the kid got dealt a bad hand in life."

She turned slowly to face him, seeing him smile made her relax slightly.

"Maybe whoever Eyeball else chooses to have guardianship might just help them both aye?" He asked, a knowing smirk on his face.

"Maybe." She smirked back as he shuffled his chair closer.

"Then let's get that kid outta there." He said as he brought up their dads file and began flicking through more paperwork.

"Station this is dispatch." The radio beside them crackled.

McKenzie quickly reached over and grabbed it. "Dispatch this is station." He replied as Athena watched silently. The dogs beside her sat up straight, on high alert themselves.

"Station we have reports of 10-60, 10-10 over at Braze Street. Dispatch K9 and all available officers." The radio crackled again. 10-60 gang related. 10-10 fight.

"10-4 Dispatch." McKenzie replied as he chucked a pair of keys out to Athena.

She caught them as she grabbed the dogs chains, the three rushing out and towards the car she'd just been given.

Loading them up in the back she quickly sped off, she knew about Braze Street. It was the street of the auto shop/scrap metal yard where Ace and Eyeball now had their new jobs.

It couldn't be them could it?

They'd sorted their differences.

They wouldn't be stupid enough.

They knew she'd be first there with the dogs and they'd go for Ace to protect Eyeball.

She shook away the thoughts as she quickly pulled up, the dogs already going nuts in the back. She jumped out and opened their door quickly grabbing their chains before she ran along around the back where she was hearing shouts and swear words galore.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon