For comfort.

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They arrived at the B&B and Athena let them into her room, taking her gun and badge and putting them back on her bedside table. She quickly slipped her jacket off and chucked it loosely on the bed as she took Chris's hand and led him into the bathroom.

Sitting him down on the toilet she quickly grabbed one of the towels and ran it under the sink before stepping over and gently beginning to clean his face.

Eyeball soon appeared and leant against the doorway and watched as his brother got cleaned up. His eyes flicked down to his Hand, his knuckles slightly red from punching his dad.

"You okay?" Chris mumbled as he looked up at his brother, trying not to move as Athena cleaned up his face.

Eyeball quickly nodded as Athena stood up and looked down at him.

"Go get some sleep Chris." She almost ordered at him.

He looked between his brother and her and nodded, quickly leaving and heading into the bedroom.

Eyeball stepped in and gently shut the bathroom door as he turned to face Athena. She was attempting to clean the blood off the towel as she felt two hands on her waist.

Letting go off the towel she turned the sink off and turned slightly, Eyeball was right behind her and allowed his hands to wrap around her waist as she rested her hands on his arms.

He looked down at her blue eyes as she stared back up into his deep brown eyes.

"Sure you don't need me to clean up your hand?" She asked quietly as she felt his forehead press against her own.

He shook his head slightly as he shut his eyes and she let hers close, feeling his nose against hers.

He was so desperate to just kiss her right there and then, every fibre of his body was screaming out for her. Yet he stopped himself, forcing himself to stay standing there, foreheads pressed together, noses touching. He knew if he did kiss her then he wouldn't be able to stop. And besides, he didn't date cops.

They had no idea how long they were standing there as neither wanted to pull away first.

"Thank you." Eyeball finally whispered, ending the silence.

She nodded against him but couldn't stop the yawn coming from her. He smiled and opened his eyes, looking down at the sleepy little copper.

"Okay now you really need sleep." He mumbled as they both laughed slightly.

She reluctantly felt him step back as she instinctively held a grip on his top. He looked up at her with a small smirk on his face.

"I thought you didn't date criminals."

She hesitated, wanting so much to pull him back closer.

"I don't..." she started as her fingers continued to hold onto his top.

"It's comfort right?" He asked as he found his own fingers unable to let go off her dress.

"It's comfort." She mumbled as she stepped towards the door.

One hand let go of him to open the door as the other held onto his shirt pulling him out into the bedroom.

The both stopped as they noticed Chris fast asleep tucked up on one side of the bed. A smile came to her face as she looked down at him. This was why she became a police officer, to save and protect the little guys who couldn't defend themselves.

"Bed?" Eyeball whispered in her ear as she nodded.

She reluctantly let go of Eyeball before grabbing one of her dads old tops and a pair of shorts from the floor and walked into the bathroom to change quickly.

Walking back out with her dress in hand she chucked it by her case and saw Eyeball stood by the window, looking out.

She silently walked past the sleeping Chris and stood behind him as she reached out and held onto his shirt, gently tugging at it.

The moonlight lit up his face as he turned to her smiling. She brought her hands to his and began walking backwards, pulling him along.

She reached the spare side of the bed and gently lifted the blankets to climb in, still keeping a hand holding Eyeball's.

Chris stirred and rolled over as she got in and gently pulled Eyeball in with her, thank god this was a big bed.

She managed to keep a distance between herself and Chris as faced him, feeling Eyeball press himself against her as his arm loosely draped over her waist.

She turned slightly as their faces were millimetres apart.

"It's comfort." He whispered, his nose nudging hers.

"It's comfort." She whispered as she let her arm land on top of his.

Her hand covering his as their fingers laced together.

"Good because I know you don't date criminals." He whispered as he felt her breath on his lips.

"Just as you don't date coppers." She whispered in return.

"So we know they can hug for comfort..." he whispered, letting his voice trail off slightly.

"Yes Richard." She confirmed.

He felt his lips turn into a smile as he tilted his head and gently kissed her cheek.

"For comfort." His voice whispered in her ear.

She smiled back at him, thankful he couldn't see the red shade she knew her cheeks were.

Sighing he gently rested his head on the pillow as she turned slightly, facing away from him. She felt his chest against her back as he softly let his fingers play about with hers in the darkness.

She felt her eyes shut as she enjoyed the feeling of their fingers playing about together as his arm stayed draped over her.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now