The 14th day.

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"It's here! It's here!" Chris shouted as he burst through the front door, half scaring Athena sat on the sofa sowing up one of Chris's favourite shirts he'd ripped when he fell from the treehouse.

Athena quickly shoved his shirt on the table and took the letter he was offering her. They both heard a collection of loud thuds as Eyeball soon appeared, towel around his waist as water dropped everywhere, his wet hair clung to his face.

Athena smirked at the sight as her eyes drifted up and down.

"Ew." Chris said as his brother shoved him and walked beside Athena.

"I like it." She mumbled as her eyes trailed down his bare chest.

He winked at her as Chris made gagging sounds. Athena laughed as she snapped her mind back and opened the letter.

Dear Mr Chambers and Ms Lachance,

Thank you for your application with regards to guardianship over the minor Christopher Chambers.

The hearing for guardianship over Christopher Chambers will take place at 9am on the 27th June.

We understand Christopher Chambers is currently under the temporary guardianship of Ms Lachance. We would like him to attend.

Attached is the information regarding what we require on the day.

We look forward to meeting you all on the 27th, any questions or inquires please see above for contact information.

With regards
Mr Ronnie Kim
Oregon Child Social Services

Athena slowly lowered the letter after her and Eyeball had read it. They both looked up at Chris's expectant face.

"Well?" He asked, stepping closer.

"We got the hearing on the 27th." Athena said with a small smile.

Chris leapt towards both of them and flung his arms around Athena, not wanting to touch his brother while he was wearing only a towel.

Athena smiled as she hugged Chris tightly. She planted a small kiss on his head and looked up at Eyeball. She saw his eyes only reflect fear. Hers mirrored his. They were both now petrified.

Things had been going so well lately and even though they knew they would have to face the music and potentially lose Chris, now it seemed so much more real.

Chris quickly leapt back. "I'm gonna go tell the guys! See if they can come too? They can come right? Like for support? You know? Help us all out? I'll tell your dad and Ace too! Okay bye!"

All his words came flying out of his mouth, barely taking a breath. And within a second his shoes were on and he was flying out the door.

Athena and Eyeball slowly looked at each other before moving in silence and sitting down on the sofa. They stayed sat in silence as Max and Jax slowly came over and rested their heads in their laps.

Athena and Eyeball gently stroked their heads before turning to each other slowly.

"You scared?" He asked her quietly.

She nodded slowly, keeping eye contact.


Eyeball didn't need to hear more. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, feeling her fingers gently play with the towel wrapped around him.

"You really ready for this?" She mumbled into his chest.

He shrugged slightly as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. "Don't have a choice."

She pulled away slightly.

"And I don't want a choice. We're keeping Chris." He finished as he gently kissed her.

She melted into his kiss as her arms went over his lap. His hands gripped her waist and quickly yanked her on top of him as she brought her hands up to his head and ran her fingers through his hair.

His lips moved down along her jaw and down onto her neck as his hands began tugging at her top, slipping under it and gently bringing her closer to him, feeling her soft skin on his fingers.

The pair felt themselves grind against each other as Eyeball returned his lips to hers and kissed her as passionately as he could, grabbing whatever part of her he could.

She gently pushed her hips into him as she heard the low growl come from him as he flipped her over so she was laying down on the sofa and he was happily between her legs.

Chris had happily told Athena's dad and even found Ace to tell him the news so he could pass it on to the other cobras.

Just as he reached the treehouse he saw Gordie, Teddy and Vern all stood around underneath it, talking and almost arguing between them.

"Woah woah woah! What's going on?" He shouted as he came running over to them, trying to calm them all down.

They didn't answer, just looked up at the entrance to the treehouse. Chris pushed past them to look up and saw a small note pinned to the entrance.

He quickly climbed up and pulled it off before jumping back down to them as his eyes read over the words.

'Good luck on your guardianship hearing Chris. We're rooting for you, the cop and your brother.'

Chris gulped slightly as he looked up at the others, they'd all clearly read the note as they all stared at him in silence.

"Guys..." he mumbled out, almost unable to talk.

Gordie gently placed a hand on Chris's arm.

"It's probably someone trying to wind you up." He offered up.

"Yeah it could be Ace!" Teddy quickly piped up.

"It's not, Ace surprisingly wants us to win." Chris mumbled as he looked back down at the letter. "Plus Ace's handwriting is shit. This is neat as hell."

They all nodded as Chris slowly turned it over in his hands and his mouth fell open slightly. The three quickly leant in, seeing more writing on the back.

'Love The View Crew.'

The four boys looked between each other, mouths all slightly open.

"You gotta show Athena, she'll know what to do!" Gordie almost shouted at him.

"They're gonna fuck it up!" Teddy shouted as they all quickly took off running towards Athena's.

"Let them fucking try." Chris mumbled under his breath.

"His new mum is a K-9 unit handler and dads a cobra criminal. They don't stand a chance!" Teddy shouted as he fist pumped the air.

The other three all shouted words of encouragement as they all ran towards Athena's. Chris stayed silent as he clutched the note in a tight fist. He wasn't about to lose his family over some douchebags.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora