2 kids Sir.

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Everything slowly began falling into place as McKenzie slowly helped Athena put the pieces together.

Danny had even said at the vets that the dogs weren't supposed to be there, he'd told dispatch not to send them.

He was the one ignoring Chris's pleas for help to escape his dad.

The fact that he had also handled Denny's paperwork now just made her angry.


She snapped from her thoughts and nodded at him.

"I'm okay. He handled Denny's paperwork is all."

McKenzie nodded slowly, everyone knew about Denny Lachance.

"We have to take this to the Sheriff." Athena snapped, anger over the idea of him and Denny's paperwork fuelled her every emotion.

McKenzie smiled. "Now we're talking K9." He said as the pair jumped up.

Athena quickly headed upstairs to grab her gun and badge as she slipped her shoes on as well as a jacket.

Heading down she saw McKenzie shut Jax in the living room.

"I opened the back door so he can roam and let's be real, ain't no-one coming in this house with him on guard duty." He said laughing as he held all the files together in his arm and Max's chain on the other.

Athena nodded and the pair quickly headed outside to McKenzie's patrol car, Max in tow, soon buckled in they sped off towards the station.

They all leapt out the moment the engine stopped as they ran straight into the station. And froze.

Their boss was stood by his doorway as he shook the hand of Danny, who turned and gave them both a nasty smile before heading off to the locker rooms.

"Lachance. My office now."

Athena had to be gently nudged by McKenzie to move as he handed her the files, taking a hold of Max's chain. She took them and slowly headed in after their boss, shutting the door behind them.

He went behind his desk and sat down, shuffling a few papers to the side as he placed his elbows on the desk and looked up at her.

"Firstly I'd like to offer my sympathies towards Jax. I read the reports and it was clear he showed but nothing but bravery. I hope he's adjusting well?"

Athena nodded slowly as she edged forward.

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir. I need you to look at these-"

He silenced her with a hand as he leant back in his chair.

"It has come to my attention you were accompanied to the vets by an Ace Merrill and Eyeball Chambers. Is that correct?"

Athena gulped, knowing now exactly what had happened in here between Danny and their boss.

"Yes Sir. But if you could just-"

He held another hand up, shaking his head slowly.

"Why?" He asked.

"They were the ones being attacked Sir. Yet Ace chose to protect the dog while Eyeball helped me get him to the vets. They were worried about the dog Sir." She said, feeling her pulse and temperature rise.

"And why were they worried about the dog?"

"It's just a dog Sir, everyone gets emotional around animals."

"Yet I was also told how neither Jax nor Max attacked either boy."

"With all due respect Sir that's not for their lack of trying, they've tried going for them multiple times previous."

"Though this time they chose to protect?"

"When we arrived both Ace and Eyeball made it clear they weren't a threat, they stopped fighting. The dogs could tell which guys weren't backing down."

The Sheriff sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose before looking back up at her.

"Lachance I'm going to make this simple. I understand you telling me there was no relationship with you and Officer Stiles but I've now been made aware of one between you and someone else."

Athena gulped, her palms started to sweat. This was it. Danny had snitched.

"Officer Lachance I'm going to ask you this once and once only. Are you or are you not in a romantic relationship with the criminal known as Eyeball Chambers?"

Athena felt her heart stop.

Her breathing stopped.

Her whole world stopped.

Yet before she even attempt to figure out what to say the door was flung open behind her as McKenzie flew in.

"Officer McKenzie what do you think-" the Sheriff shouted as he stood up, eyes glaring at the interruption.

"Hostage situation boss, gun, K9 and you needed on this one!" McKenzie blurted out as he caught his breath.

Behind him they could see other officers quickly rushing about and gearing up.

"Where?" The Sheriff ordered.

McKenzie looked between him and Athena before back at him.

"Chambers residence." He mumbled.

"The kid?" The Sheriff asked as McKenzie looked down before back up at Athena.

"Actually.. 2 kids Sir." He looked at the Sheriff. "They saw Gordie Lachance enter the premises too..." his voice trailed off.

Athena saw red.

Before the Sheriff could stop her she flew out of the office and grabbed at Max's chains. He was now just as worked up at her, sensing everyone's rushed feelings.

McKenzie appeared at her side as he shoved a bulletproof vest over her, she grabbed another and strapped his on tight.

Max was buckled into his K9 harness.

Her badge slipped onto the top of vest.

Her gun fitted into the holster of her officers belt.

Officers rushed out and jumped in their cars.

The Sheriff jumped in his the drivers seat of his car, McKenzie in his passenger side. Athena in the back with a snarling, barking Max.

The car's sped off as the familiar sound of their sirens blared through Castle Rock.

Athena's grip on Max's lead tightened.

She was going to save Chris.

And she was going to save Gordie.

And she was going to kill him.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now