Athena, Max & Jax

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Athena sighed as her father pulled the car up outside a fairly big house. He gave her a weak smile as he jumped out and instantly headed up to the door. Hearing a whine behind her she turned and saw her two German Shepards whining and trying to get out the door.

"Easy boys." She said with a smile as she jumped out the car and opened their back door up.

Jax and Max jumped out and began sniffing around, finally going to the loo and stretching their legs. Athena smiled at her boys as she pulled her ponytail tighter. Her hair was a deep shade of blue, something she picked up in her rebellious teenage years and kept because it made her unique and, to her surprise, people had loved. It made her the unique officer back home, people saw the blue and knew she was on the scene with the K9s.

She had not long passed her tests and become a fully qualified officer, having loved dogs all her life she instantly signed up for the K-9 unit and her heart instantly melted upon meeting the two young pup brothers Jax and Max. Officers usually only got one dog but the brothers made it clear they weren't to be separated and Athena wasn't going to complain.

The pups grew into tough attack dogs under her training and guidance and became her protection from anyone and everyone. No-one touched their boss without their say so.

Athena watched as her father hugged her uncle and auntie and gave small talk. She wasn't a big fan of them and the way they went about life. She knew they had always preferred Denny and weren't keen on Gordie's dreams of being an author. Or on Gordie in general.

Jax and Max fell into line by her side as she walked up to greet them. Her auntie gave her a small weak hug as she watched her uncle eye up the dogs by her side. Jax growled slightly but stopped as he felt his owners hand on his head.

"Well you better come in then." Her auntie said with a small smile.

Her father instantly walked in with a smile, happy to be reunited with his brother. He knew how they felt about his daughter and the fact she had blue hair and two dogs, but he couldn't be prouder of his little officer and Jax brought the paper in to him every morning and Max brought his slippers over to him so he had grown to love the boys too.

Athena was cautious but headed inside, the dogs following her very move, sniffing all the smells with their ears on guard for anything unusual. Athena was led into the living room where she sat on an armchair, the boys took their spots by her side. Her auntie sat down on the sofa cautiously eyeing up the dogs. She knew they were coming but it worried her having two police dogs in her house. Athena's father and uncle had disappeared in the garden leaving the two women in awkward silence.

"Mum have you seen my top?" A small voice came from upstairs.

Athena's auntie sat in silence. Athena gave her a strange look before speaking up.

"Is that Gordie?"

Her auntie nodded slowly as Athena stood up, pointing towards the stairs.

"May I?" she asked politely, unsure as to why she felt the need to ask to go see her own cousin.

She nodded in return as Athena quickly walked out and headed up the stairs. The dogs instantly by her side. They too had taken a disliking to Athena's aunt and uncle.

"Thought we smelt trouble up here." Athena said with a smile as she appeared in Gordie's doorway.

Gordie turned and smiled instantly at the sight of her. He rushed over and wrapped his little arms around her, she hugged him back as tightly as Jax and Max gave him their usual sniffs. He released her and gave both the dogs a little stroke on their head. This led to them realising he was no threat. Bad move.

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