Ten times harder.

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Athena practically flew into the station, Max flying behind her. McKenzie almost jumped as he watched her fling herself against the desk, slamming the note left for Chris in front of him.

"I'll swap you." He mumbled as he offered her another note.

"Left on your locker this morning."

She hesitated as she took it and looked down.

'Good luck getting Chris, Blue, can't wait till we're a proper family xxxx'

Athena looked up at him as he read her note.

"How the fuck is this possible?!" She shouted as she chucked it down.

Just as he shrugged they heard a door near them. Turning they saw the Sheriff walk out.

"I thought I heard my K9. Care to explain?" He walked over to the pair.

Athena took Chris's note from McKenzie and handed it to the Sheriff. "Chris had this left at his treehouse."

The Sheriff looked it over before looking back up at her.

"Same people as your own note I guess?"

Athena shook her head and took the note left for her.

"No this wasn't the guys from the view." Her eyes fell upon the nickname written out. "This was Danny."

"Stiles?" McKenzie asked curiously and confused.

Athena nodded as McKenzie felt a lightbulb switch on in his head. Quickly he wheeled his chair to his computer, typed a bit before rummaging through paperwork on his desk as Athena and the Sheriff watched him intently.

"Danny Stiles was officially bailed out not long ago."

He pulled up a file and began flicking through the paperwork, handing it over to Athena. Her and the Sheriff looked it over as Athena paid attention to the name who had paid bail.

"This Bryce guy who bailed him out?" She asked. "We have his file too right?"

McKenzie shrugged slightly as he began typing more into the computer. Athena and the Sheriff said nothing as they both moved around to stand behind him and watch.

"Bryce lives up in the View." The Sheriff said as he waved Chris's note again.

McKenzie loaded up the screen and pointed. "Nothing really that connects him to Danny." He ran his fingers across the screen and looked at the list of known associates.

"Hang on a sec." Athena almost snapped as she recognised three of the names. "Where's the paperwork from the incident when those View guys jumped Eyeball and Ace at work?"

"My office." The Sheriff mumbled as he quickly moved and headed into his office.

Athena sighed and looked down at her note.

"Sorry Chambers... the note weren't there when I got changed this morning. Went to check the cells and it was there when I came back."

She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it Kenzie. Danny knows your routines so probably knew when you wouldn't be at the desk."

The Sheriff reappeared as he handed Athena a few papers, she took them and quickly looked over the names of the View guys involved. Holding up the page next to the computer they all saw all names matched.

"So Bryce didn't wanna be seen to be involved?" McKenzie offered up.

Athena remembered that first day with Eyeball, the graveyard, Max had almost torn his arm off.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now