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Athena sighed as she finally crashed into her bed. Everything that had happened flooded her mind. Jax and Max jumped up on the bed with her and lay down either side, their heads resting on her as she resting a hand on each of their heads. Sighing again she leant back and shut her eyes, Eyeball instantly flooding her mind.

The sunlight filtering into her bedroom woke her up as she grumbled and rolled over to see Max lying half on his back still asleep on the floor. She smiled as she sat up and looked around, Jax was in the exact same position just over by the window. She laughed as she climbed out of bed, waking them up in the process.

She quickly changed their water in their bowl before opening up a 3 packets of dog food into their bowl from her case and topping it up with biscuits.

She let them begin eating as she grabbed a knee high blue dress of the hanger and headed into the bathroom. It didn't take long for her to shower and get ready as she gently plaited her hair down to the side, her hair matched her dress perfectly. The door knocked just as she finished and she opened it to see her dad smiling at her.

"Morning love, you coming today?"

She nodded quickly and slipped a pair of black flats on. Slipping on her jacket she put her gun back in its pocket and clipped her badge onto her jacket pocket. Her dad laughed as she grabbed her room key and followed him out, Jax and Max on her tail.

"You really think you'll need them?" He asked as they headed out and climbed into his car.

"Only if they're arseholes." She mumbled back as Jax and Max got comfy across the backseat.

Her dad laughed and nodded.

"Good thing you brought them then."

She laughed as he agreed with her.

"It's Gordie I feel sorry for." He mumbled as he began driving towards their house.

"I hate the way he's compared to Denny in every way, they're two completely different people." She said.

Her dad nodded in agreement. "Poor kid ain't never gonna catch a break."

The ride was silent as they both felt sorry for their cousin and nephew. They soon pulled up and we're let inside by her auntie. Sat in the living room the four of them were silent.

"So..." Gordie's dad started. "How's the police force treating you?" He asked Athena, gesturing to the badge on her jacket.

She gulped slightly and nodded. "Yeah it's good thanks, busy busy busy you know."

The awkward silence came back as her auntie laughed slightly.

"You should join this police force, we don't have a K-9 unit." She mumbled.

Athena nodded slowly. "Well having a K-9 unit can be very expensive on a police force's budget so that's probably why."

Her auntie and uncle nodded slowly as the silence filled the room again. Athena looked around slowly.

"Where's Gordie?" She asked quietly.

Her uncle shrugged. "Gone off with his friends again I believe." He said tutting under his breath.

Gordie had made it clear that his dad hated the friends he had, believing one of them to be the lowlife chambers thief and two idiots that share a brain fell. Athena nodded and turned to her dad. He got the hint.

"Why don't you go find him Thena?"

She smiled gratefully and nodded. Standing up she kissed her fathers cheek, bid her aunt and uncle goodbye and left as quick as possible.

Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat