Case closed.

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Athena and Eyeball eventually headed upstairs, unsurprisingly discovering Chris had fallen asleep on the spare bed. Homework splayed around everywhere as Max and Jax both lifted their heads.

Eyeball walked in and gently scooped Chris up in his arms as Athena pulled back the blanket, letting Eyeball place him gently down before she covered him back up with the blanket.

The pair smiled at each other as he stirred slightly but remained asleep as Max and Jax curled up beside him.

Walking out they gently shut the door as she led him into their room.

"Kenzie reckons he's got something that can help with the situation between Chris and your dad." She mumbled as the pair naturally got ready for bed.

He nodded as he eventually crashed down and opened his arms out for her.

"So he knows?" He asked as he pointed between the two of them.

She nodded as she climbed into bed and allowed him to pull her close.

"Hopefully we'll be able to actually arrest him within the next few days and start getting Chris's life sorted." She mumbled as Eyeball nodded slowly.

"You think I'd stand a chance?"

She rolled on her side and faced him.

"Well now you've got a job it's a better chance. Not to mention you can provide him with a roof over his head." She said, looking upwards.

"No you're the one that can provide the roof." He replied as he gently fiddled with her hair.

"You think I'm letting you do this alone?"

He turned and faced her.

"You wanted it all Richie, you better be ready." She whispered smiling.

He smiled back at her as he leant down and gently kissed her lips.

The pair were awoken the next morning to dogs barking yet again. Eyeball groaned loudly as he shoved his head under the pillow and grumbled something about how he didn't want it anymore.

Athena laughed and gave him a nudge before getting up and going to Chris's room. Chris was standing by his bed, he'd changed back into his other clothes and was now dangling a toy above the dogs heads, which caused them to want to play.

He dropped it quickly upon seeing her glare. "My bad... again."

She laughed slightly and shook her head. "Just get ready for school." She mumbled as she stumbled back into her room.

Eyeball had sat up half off the bed as he glared at her. "I'm gonna kill that kid before he's 20." He mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair and got up.

She laughed and nodded in agreement before crashing back down on the bed. Rolling over she watched him slowly get changed, still grumbling and groaning about Chris getting the dogs riled up again.

Athena couldn't help but laugh as she found herself getting up and changing into a pair of leggings and Eyeball's old shirt.

"No way don't start that when I gotta go."

She turned and saw him walking closer.

"You don't get to look good in my top when I have to leave." He grumbled as he placed his hands on her waist and slowly pulled her closer.

"Ew." Was all they heard as they turned to see Chris in the doorway.

"Shut up shitbag." Eyeball mumbled as he reluctantly pulled away from her and finished getting ready.

"What's for breakfast?" Chris asked as he watched Athena brush her hair out and shove it up in a ponytail.

"Go check Chris, I'm not your mu-" her words stopped as she faced the boy.

"Come on, let's go see." She said finally as she walked over to him and the pair headed downstairs.

Chris began plating up breakfast for the dogs as she quickly made him up a couple of slices of toast.

Naturally it was gone in seconds as Eyeball appeared, also now on the hunt for food. She served up his as both brothers gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ran out the house.

Laughing slightly at how similar they really were she quickly tidied up and managed to get food for herself.

Though just as she was about to finally sit down she heard a knock at the door, Jax and Max began happily barking meaning one thing.

She quickly went over and let McKenzie in, he of course gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek before fussing over each of the dogs.

He was carrying a wad of files with some loose papers as he put them on the living room table and the pair sat down.

"So?" Athena asked eagerly.

McKenzie laughed. "Jeez love, no pause button for you is there?"

She laughed and shook her head as he got comfy before pulling up a file and handing it to her. She took it and began flicking through.

"This is just the paperwork about times we were called to his house."

Mckenzie nodded. "Exactly you see it don't you?"

She shook her head slightly as she looked up at him. He groaned and huddled closer.

"K9 forget your banging the older brother for a second and really look at them. Each one closely. Be a cop and look."

Athena grumbled slightly but looked back down as she began to flick through them.

The first explained how the police had been called to loud shouts and smashing glass, Officer Danny Stiles arrived on scene, situation resolved, case closed.

The second explained how the police had been called to thuds and shouts in the middle of the night, Officer Danny Stiles arrived on scene, situation resolved, case closed.

The third explain how the police had been called to a potential gun threat and hostage situation, Officer Danny Stiles arrived on scene, situation resolved, case closed.

Athena quickly began flicking through each as the words Officer Danny Stiles appeared on every single one. Gasping slightly she looked up at McKenzie who smiled back at her.

"She's cracked it." He said nodding.

"But how come he never reported the abuse or neglect of Chris?" She asked.

McKenzie shrugged slightly. "I told you the Chambers family aren't exactly held in high regard round here. But it gets better." He continued as he handed her a few more pieces of paper.

"The call to dispatch yesterday after the fight was made at 12:04pm by an anonymous caller right? Saying police need to go to a gang related fight over at the auto shop." He said as he pointed out the information on the paper before handing her another two.

Ace and Eyeball's statement.

"However both boys and." He pulled another from a file and handed it to her. "Their boss all claim the guys showed up starting on Eyeball in particular at 12:15 on the dot as they were just about to break for lunch. So how do you explain a phone call being made about a fight that technically hadn't even happened yet?"

Athena's mouth dropped even more as McKenzie's smile grew.

"Focusing on the call made to dispatch," he said as he re-pulled the page out and pointed to a sentence the anonymous caller had said. No need for the K-9 unit.

Athena looked up at McKenzie.

"Now I don't know about you K9 but there's only one group of people who call you three the K-9 unit." He mumbled as it clicked in her.

"Police." She mumbled.

McKenzie nodded slowly as he leant back and gently scratched Max's head.

"Any officer in mind?" He asked raising an eyebrow but they both knew the answer.


Cop VS Criminal - Eyeball ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now