An hour Lachance.

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"This everything?" The Sheriff asked her.

She nodded at him. "That's everything Sir."

He pointed down at the files on her lap. "I assume that's your proof about Danny?"

She nodded again. "Yes Sir."

He held a hand out to her and she quickly handed them all over to him. He placed her report aside as he spread the pages out on his desk.

"Explain this Lachance." He ordered as she nodded quickly and stood up, leaning over the desk she began to point to each report that had been made against the Chambers dad.

"Each and every time we were called out to the Chambers Danny was always the one responding, he could clearly see Chris's life was in danger yet he did nothing in attempts to get him out of there."

"And the fight?" The Sheriff asked as he nodded slowly, his eyes scanning each page.

Athena pulled out the sheet with time and recorded conversation of the phone call about the fight. "The call was made at 12:04pm from an anonymous person telling them about the fight but requesting not to send the K-9 unit."

Athena pulled Ace, Eyeball and their bosses statement out and laid them in front of her own boss. "Yet all three swear the guys from the view didn't show till 12:15 when they were just breaking for lunch. So the phone call made about the fight was made before it had even began."

"When Danny showed up at the vets he specifically said that the dogs weren't meant to be there, as if he knew that it had been requested for them not to be."

"Wasn't McKenzie there?" The Sheriff asked.

She nodded as the Sheriff straightened up slightly.

"MCKENZIE!" He shouted.

A scuffle was heard and McKenzie soon came in. "Sir."

"Were you or were you not at the vets with Officer Stiles and Lachance?"

"I was Sir."

"Do you recall Officer Stiles stating that the K-9 unit shouldn't have been at the incident?"

McKenzie nodded. "Yes Sir."

"He actually said that?" The Sheriff asked, raising an eyebrow.

McKenzie nodded again. "He did Sir."

The Sheriff nodded slowly and waved his hand at him, dismissing the officer. McKenzie gave Athena an encouraging smile and wink as he took his leave. Athena smiled as she turned back to the Sheriff.

"Keep going Lachance." He said.

She nodded and leant back over to the papers.

"In all three of their statements they claim the guys from the view stated they were paid off by someone in a high place to kill of Eyeball Chambers. Now if this was a proper gang related fight then they would have targeted Ace."

"You're sure about that?"

She nodded. "Yes they could have gone for Eyeball but taking out Ace would seem more logical, he's the leader after all."

The Sheriff nodded slowly, even that made sense to him.

Athena took a deep breath as she pointed back down to the call log. "Not to mention the caller specifically said not send the K-9 unit. If it was a genuine call from a member of the public it's very rare they A would have said not to send the dogs and B, wouldn't have called it the K-9 unit."

The Sheriff sighed slightly.

"Sir..." she mumbled slightly.

He sighed again.

"Sir..." She whispered again.

The Sheriff nodded slowly and looked up at her.

"Give me an hour Lachance."

She nodded as he leant forward and began looking over the papers again. Quickly she turned on her heel and rushed out, gently shutting the door behind her.

McKenzie almost leapt out of his seat as he saw her quickly approach.

"Well?" He basically had to hold in his shout.

"I think I got it all out to him. He's told me to give him an hour."

McKenzie nodded slowly. "You got this K9."

Yet before she could reply the front doors opened and Danny himself walked in, another officer by his side. They were laughing together but stopped as Danny stood and glared at Athena.

Athena saw McKenzie slowly stand from his seat as the two sets of officers faced each other down.

However before either could speak the Sheriff's door opened as he re-appeared. He went to speak to Athena but stopped as he saw Danny and Jack, his other officer.

"Stiles. My office now." His words came out firmly and sternly.

Danny nodded at him as the Sheriff walked back in his office. He turned and saw Athena and McKenzie smiling at him as they both waved. The boot was now on the foot. He snitched on her so she took a leaf from her ex-criminal boys life and snitched in return.

Danny glared at them as he sulked into the Sheriff's office, shutting the door behind him. The pair turned to Jack, who gave them a somewhat confused look.

"Pick the right side Jones. Shits about to go down." McKenzie said.

Jack slowly walked forward to them as they heard a shout coming from the Sheriff's office.

"Pick it quick Jones." McKenzie said trying to hide a laugh as Jack quickly shuffled over to them.

Athena turned to McKenzie and smiled up at him.

"I couldn't have done it without you."

"Oh I know that." He said, a smug grin on his face.

"You wanna let that head grow any bigger?" She asked with a laugh.

He shrugged slightly, still smirking. "You've only just started K9, you got an even bigger task coming up now."

Athena nodded slowly as her mind went to Chris, she had to fight for guardianship with Eyeball. Neither planned to go down without a fight yet it was still going to be the biggest battle they'd face, being so young themselves.

The pair looked up as the Sheriff's door opened.

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