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Raelynn's pov

I nearly jumped out of my skin as a loud bang awakened me from my sleep. I figured it was just thunder or something close to that, so I lay back down drifting to sleep. There was another bang and it was louder this time. This time it sounded to be coming from the neighbors flat but it was strange because last time I checked I did not have any neighbors. "Alright thats it you dumbass raccons!" I run out to the kitchen, to the cubboard where I keep all my pots and pans. I grabbed a old frying pan and went to the door of my flat. I slowly started to exit my flat when I heard that damn banging sound again. I carefully made my way down the hall to the flat across me, when I arrived at the door I had noticed that the door was unlocked. I opened the door carefullly, and quietly I managed to slip in between the small crack between the door and wall. I whispered "is anyone here?" I got no answer so I decided to go check what was making those noises coming from this flat. First I searched the tiny bedroom, there was nothing at all, then on to the bathroom once again, nothing. Then was the big bedroom that I was going to check I ever so carefully opened the door to see nothing but pitch black enter my eye sight. I got out my phone and turned on the flash so I could see, and what I saw, made me scream! What I saw was a naked teenager about my age ( wich was 16) laying on a bed. The sleepy boy opened his eyes to see me standing there looking like an idiot, with the damn frying pan in my right hand and my phone in the left. He did not say anything he just gave me this evil but cute smirk. I screamed one more time and then ran back to my flat locking the door behind me, I ran back to my bed to fall asleep to the sound of my heavy breathing from being scared shitless, and not knowing what to do at that point and time.

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