Chapter 12

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I entered the room. It was an office. I took my shivering steps forward. I was scared till core. What if he comes and see me? No, no. Be positive. No matter what I need to know the truth today.

I went towards his desk. I saw some files kept on it. I opened one file and went through it. It was regarding some shipment to UK. The next file was of some collaboration between Romero Enterprises and Dickinson Corp. Guessing by the file it seems that he is a CEO and he owns Romero Enterprises.

I picked the next file it was also about some shipment to South Africa. What are these shipments? Are they drugs or something? Maybe. Who knows?

The next file was a bit familiar. It was our marrige contract. The contract that tied me with this monster. I didn't bothered that day to read this file. I opened the file. There were some clauses written. I didn't bothered to read it and directly went to the last page of the document. There was my signature on the right side and his on the left side.

Below his signature, his name was written. Lyonnello Romero.It is him. It is Lyonnello. The guy who was in my college. The guy I humiliated and bullied infront of the whole campus.

But how? I never saw him after that. How did he change this much. From what I remember he was a decent and humorous guy. Did I make him like that?

I know what I did to him that day was wrong. Very wrong. And I still am guilty about it. I could never forgive myself for such atrocity. Neither then nor now.

"Done with the investigation", a husky voice said. I looked up and my eyes widened. There he was standing leaning on the door. Lyonnello. I got glued on my spot. My mind stopped working for a minute.

He came towards me with his predator steps. His face was as usual blank deprived of any emotion. He stood infront of me and I gazed at him blankly.

How did it not hit me before? How did I not recognise him? Now that I see , he is Lyon only but his features had changed a bit. He was no more lean. Instead he grew some muscles. His face had filled more. He was no longer the guy he once was.

I saw that his jaws clenched and he grabbed my hair breaking me out of my trance. I yelped in pain. "You are so stubborn right. You do the things that you are not supposed to do. I clearly told you that this place is off limits. But still you don't listen", he said and his other hand came in contact with my face.

I hissed in pain and mumbled,"Lyon". Another slap landed on my cheek.

"Who the hell are you calling Lyon? Who gave you the right to say that. You are supposed to call me master", he said in raised voice.

Tears welled up in my eyes. He is no longer that sweet guy I used to know. He is a monster. And I have made him like that.

"I am sorry", I mumbled. His grip on my hair tightened and he pulled it. "What are you sorry for huh?", He asked gritting his teeth. "For calling me Lyon or for making me the monster I am today?", he asked.

A sob escaped my mouth and tears flowed out of my eyes. "Tell me Aurora. What are you sorry for", he shouted making me flinch. My voice got struck in my throat.

"For everything", I whispered. "Oh really. Too bad. I don't accept apologies Belle", he said and held my wrist tightly. He started dragging me somewhere. His grip was hurting.

He took me downstairs and starting walking towards a door in the living room. The door opened to stairs. He climbed down with me literally slipping from the stairs and threw me.

It was basement. "You do the things you are not supposed to do.  I clearly told you to stay away from that room but still you went inside. By doing that you have broken many rules and yes you didn't call me master. You are ought to get punishment. You will be locked in here until I am feel so", he said.

My eyes widened. I cannot even stay here for a minute. The place is dark and claustophobic. There are also some unusual sounds coming. I abruptly shook my head. He turned around and started climbing the stairs.

I went and held him by putting my hands around his waist. "Please don't leave me hear", I mumbled crying. He stopped for a while. I kept crying leaning my head on his back. He held my hands and unwrapped them from him. He pushed me and this time I fell hard on my back making me groan in pain. Before I could react he climbed the stairs and locked the door of the basement.

"No", I shouted and kept on wailing. It was so dark. And some sounds were also coming. I kept on crying and crying. I felt something climbing on my body. I glanced and jumped frightened. I screamed loudly. It was a mouse. I glanced at the wall I was leaning on while seating. There was a lizard on it. I shivered. I started backing away. But I don't know where to go. There were mice all around and there were lizards on the walls.

At one point of time I even got scared of moving. So I sat on the floor. I was shivering badly. I just wished Lyonnello would come and take me out of here. But I know better that he won't for atleast a few days.

I know I did wrong to him. I humilated him in front of the college the way no one would ever do to even his enemy. I am his culprit but if it meant his safety then so be it. I am ready to take his wrath.


"Dad. Why don't you understand? I already like someone and I can't marry anyone else", I spat at my father.

"No. You have to marry Louis Pattinson. I don't care. If you like anyone or not. And if you continue to like him then I will kill him", he said and my eyes widened.

"Dad", I shouted.

"Whoever is that person you like make him go away from you or you better know what I am capable of doing", he said.

I stomped my feet and went to my car to go to college. I started driving my car and not long after tears welled up in my eyes.

I didn't know I would fall for him. I didn't know that I would fall for a nerd I was using. Guess, love doesn't mind the physical appearance. It just happens.

I befriended him to use him in doing my assignment and get my grades up but I never thought that I would fall for him i would fall for Lyon. The girl for whom looks and money mattered the most fell for a poor and nerdy guy.

I reached the campus and parked my car. I wiped my tears and got out of the car with a straight face. Today was valentines day . The college was in a romantic mood. And I was dull and depressed. As I was passing by many guys were proposing me and giving chocolates to me. But I didn't gave a shit.

A chirpy looking Lyon came to me and dragged me by saying, "Aurora I have to say something to you". I followed him and gazed at him. How can I not fall for such a cute creature. He is so adorable. And he takes care of me like no one ever did. I am free when I am with him. I feel like myself. I wish I could tell him that how much I love him.

He stopped in an empty classroom and closed the door. He kneeled before me and held a rose in his hand. From inside I felt like dancing and jumping.

"Belle. I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?", he said.

I just wanted to hug him tightly and say I love you too. But I can't. I can't for him. I have to do this Lyon. I have to make you hate me.

And then I did what a person won't even do to his enemy.


I cried my eyes out thinking about that day. That day still dreads me. Only I know how much pain I felt that day. My heart was crumbling from inside. I hate myself for doing that.

He is only one I have ever loved in my whole life. And I still do till today. But he hates me. He loathes me. And why wouldn't he. No one could tolerate such humiliation.

I have done very much bad things to him. I used him. I humiliated him. I bullied him. And what not. I deserve every inch of what I am getting. For doing this to my love.


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