Chapter 4

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It was 2am in the morning and Mateo was dozing off on one of the couches of jet. He was dreaming that he was on one of the beaches of Florida and chilling in the sun with a cocktail in his hand. One of the girls was massaging his shoulders and another one was massaging his leg. The girls were only in their bikini and he was having a time of his life.

"Mateo", a sudden voice interrupted his dream and he got up shouting, "Yes. I have to get a dick massage".

The man infront of him furrowed his eyebrows. Mateo came to his senses and saw the predator standing infront of him.

"I am Sorry Boss", he said nervous and embarrassed.

"You are lucky that you are my assistant or I would have chopped your dick", Lyonnello said.

"Yes boss", he got up and said bowing.

"Whatever. Go and get the room cleaned", his boss commanded. Without questioning anything Mateo said,"Okay boss", and left from their.

On his way to the room Mateo was thinking," When would I get a vacation? Leave vacation, I don't even have proper sleep. Poor me. When would my virgin ass get a dick massage? I am sleepy. I want....". His thoughts got interrupted once he entered the room.

The dead body of the naked air hostess. He sighed." Poor girl. She shouldn't have seduced boss". After that he got into the work.

The flight landed in the morning at 6 am. Lyonnello got up from the couch and wore his court. He walked out of the jet. His guards were standing lined up outside the jet, alongwith multiple cars lined up and awaiting his arrival.

Lyonnello walked towards the car, which stood out among others, followed by his assistant. A black bugatti. He and his obsession with black and sports car. God Grace!

He stood beside the car and turned around.

"No guards should follow me", he told his assistant. Mateo nodded his head in response as he didn't want to anger his boss.

Lyonnello got into the car and drove past all of his guards, out of the runway.

He was driving through the streets of Bolivia. The place which used to be his home, few years back. But now, it was no more than a place that he hated. Yet, he was here and driving through its streets.

Lyonnello stopped his car in front of a flower shop and got out. He went inside the shop and asked for a bouquet of orchids. It used to be her favorite flower.

He took the bouquet and went inside his car. He smelled the orchids in his hand and a smile came on his face. He started the car and again started driving.

He stopped infront of the cemetery and walked inside. The whole cemetery was empty as it was early hours of the morning. He stood infront of one of the stones which had the name, Maria Romero. His everything. His mother. He sat on the grass beside the stone.

"Mom. How have you been? See, I am back and I brought your favorite flowers", he said and put the bouquet on the stone. "Didn't I tell you? I would become successful and powerful and then I would visit you", he said smiling.

"See, I am the most powerful person in the whole continent. Now, no one bullies your son. Infact, they fear me now", he said and a lone tear dropped from his eyes followed by many.

"Mom, I didn't cry all these year, I promise. You told me right? Not to cry. So I didn't. But, today after seeing you. I can not control myself", he said. Who could have thought the man who rules over Latin America would be crying his eyes out in a cemetery.

"Mom. I miss you. I miss you so much. I wish you were here beside me and see the man you wanted me to become. A strong and powerful man", he said.

"But don't worry mom. It is time for revenge. It is time to take revenge from the person who humiliated my whole existence. The person who dishonoured me infront of the whole world. And the person, because of whom you are not here with me", he said angered. Rage filled up inside him remembering her.

"I promise mom. I would take revenge from her so cruelly and so mercilessly that even the heavens would shake in fear. She would beg me to die. I would make her so miserable that she would feel like dying everyday but still death would be a luxury for her. I promise mom. I promise this to you", he said and clenched his jaws in anger.

He rested his head on the death bed of his mother and thought about the days when he used to lie on her lap and she used to caress his head until he fell asleep. And today also he fell asleep in the comfort and embrace  of his mother.

He got up with his phone buzzing inside his pocket and took it out. He saw that it was almost 12 in the noon. He kissed the death bed of his mother and got up.

"Bye mom. I will visit again, when I would get my redemption", he said and walked out from there.

His phone again buzzed. He took out his phone. It was Mateo. He answered the call.

"Boss. Are you alright? Did someone attack on you? Do I need to come? Should I send backup", Mateo started asking, panicking, without letting Lyonnello to speak.

"Shut up, dumb ass. You would make me go deaf", Lyonnello said irritated.

"I am sorry boss. I got worried about you. It had been hours since you were gone and you were not picking up your calls", Mateo said.

"Yeah. I was busy somewhere. I am coming to the penthouse", Lyonnello said.

"Yes boss", Mateo said and he hung up the call. Even though Mateo was his assistant, he was the most closest person to him. If not for him, he would be deprived of any human care. He was the only one who cared for him.

Mateo made sure that his boss took all his meals properly and also ensured his safety. He met Mateo for the first time, when he came to Mexico. Mateo was two years younger than him. Even though he is cold and all commanding with him but still from inside he used to  treat him as his younger brother.

He got inside the car and headed to his penthouse in Bolivia. He got inside the penthouse of a building which was one of the tallest building in the country. And it wasn't a surprise, that the whole building was owned by Lyonnello himself.

He walked into the bedroom of penthouse to shower and change his clothes.

After that he came outside and went to the kitchen. Mateo was cooking lunch for of both of them.

"What are you cooking, dumb ass?", Lyonnello asked.

"Boss! Don't call me dumb ass. I am not dumb and definately not an ass", Mateo said irritated.

"Oh really?", Lyonnello asked.

"Yes", Mateo replied confidently.

"Then, tell me my assistant what were you dreaming last night?", Lyonnello asked smirking.

"Nothing", Mateo replied nervously.

"Oh really, dick head", Lyonnello commented.

"Yes", Mateo replied.

"Whatever. Tell me what are you cooking? I am hungry", Lyonnello asked.

"Grilled cheese Quesadillas and Chilli Con Carne", Mateo replied.

"How much time?", Lyonnello asked. "Just a minute boss. It is almost done", Mateo replied. He nodded his head and sat on the dinning table.

After two minutes, Mateo served lunch to himself and his boss. They both were having lunch together. It wasn't new for them. They used to have meals together, whenever they were together or at work.

"When is the meeting scheduled with B.L. Corporation?", Lyonnello asked his assistant.

"Tomorrow morning at 10 am", he replied. "Okay. Other than that ,I am free, right?", Lyonnello asked.

"Yes boss", he replied.

"Okay. I need someone kidnapped from Brazil and brought here by tomorrow afternoon", Lyonnello said.

Mateo nodded his head. "His name is Aiden Perez. Age 16 years. Lives in the dormitory of Wood Stock Boarding School in Rio de Janeiro", he continued.

"Okay boss", Mateo said and a smirk craved on Lyonnello's face.

"Get ready for your doom, bitch", he mumbled.

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