Chapter 6

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It was 8 am in the morning and still I was struck in this police station. I begged them all night to free me but still they didn't. I wishI never came here for help. I should have tried finding Aiden by myself. But, how would I?

My baby. How would he be right now? Would they be beating him? Or worse, did they kill him? My heart wrenched just by the mere thought of something happening to him. I worked my ass off to provide a good future for him, just like mom and dad wanted. But now, because of me he is getting hurt and I am not able to do anything. Never in my life have I felt this helpless.

I wish mom and dad would be here. But no they are not. Dad comitted suicide after his company went bankrupt and mom died of heart attack, after listening that dad is no more. I don't blame anyone for that. Because it was dad's choice to take his life. His company went bankrupt because one of his trusted employees whistle blowed about all the black money of hospital. Dad was arrested. He was not brave enough to bear the consequences of his actions, so he committed suicide. And because of that mom died.

I just wish things did not turn out that way. I wish me and Aiden would not have turned orphans. But as it is said, karma is a bitch. It is the result of my arrogance and how I treated other people. I was so full of myself that I have humiliated and disrespected a lot of people in my life. If only, I cherished the things I had back then. If only I was not so full of myself. But now, I cannot do anything. I just have to bear the consequences of my actions.

I heard the door of the cell opening. I saw a cop was opening the gate. I abruptly got up.

"Someone bailed you out. Come out and follow me", he said. Who? Who bailed me? I didn't even call anyone. I don't even have anyone who could bail me out.

Nonetheless, lets follow this cops. So, I decided followed this cop and he brought me to man dressed up in suit. He was around my age or maybe somewhat younger than me. I had never seen him before.

"Come with me", the guy said and held my hand.

"Wait a minute. I don't know you. How can I follow you?", I asked.

"No questions. Just follow me", he said and started dragging me forcefully. No. I can't go with him. For god sake, I don't even know him.

"Someone help", I shouted. None of the cops came to my help just like yesterday. "I don't know him and he is dragging me with him. Aren't you guys supposed to help me", I said but none of the officers moved from there place. By the time we were standing outside the police station.

"What kind of police department we have in this country", I scoffed. He pushed me inside the back seat of the car and himself sat on the driver's seat.

"Listen dude. You can't just kidnap me from a police station. It doesn't mean that if you bailed me, then I am your property", I spat at him. He sighed and started driving the car.

"Hey, I am talking to you. Are you deaf?", I asked but it didn't bother him. "Great lord. First my brother is kidnapped and now I am getting kidnapped", I scoffed.

"If you want to see your brother then sit silently", he said.

"Wait! You know where my brother is? Do you know who kidnapped him? And why was he kidnapped?", I asked.

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