Chapter 8

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"Marriage Contract! What the hell!", I exclaimed. What is wrong with this guy? I barely know him. Worse, we met today only and he wants to marry me. What the hell is wrong with him?

"Yes Miss Perez. Marriage Contract. You are supposed to sign that contract and become my wife", he said with a blank face.

"And what makes you think that I would do it", I asked with a stern look my face.

"Well Miss Perez. The answer to that is tied on a chair upstairs", he said. Oh no. I forgot about Aiden. He is still here. And he has been tied on that god damn chair for I don't know how long. And he is unconscious. No. I won't let anything happen to him.

I dropped the contract and started running towards the stairs, to see him. My poor baby. How can I forget about him?

Before, I could start climbing the stairs, a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me. I bumped into a hard chest. I looked up only to see the enraged eyes of the monster watching me.

His one hand went around my waist and the other one went inside my hair. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and squeezed my waist harshly making me whimper.

"Where the hell do you think, you are going?", he asked clenching his jaws. "Upstairs, to see my brother", I mumbled.

"And who gave you the permission to do that?", he asked. I looked into his eyes and said,"I don't need anyone's permission to see my brother". He pulled my hair and pinched my waist tightly making me scream. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"If you want your brother's condition not to be like that cop, then I suggest you to do what I say", he said in a raised voice.

No. I can't let anything happen to my brother. I can't tolerate even a scratch on Aiden. He is my everything and I can't let him fall prey in the hands of this predator.

"So Aurora. Would you sign the contract?", he asked with a vicious smirk playing on his lips. Signing that contract would mean that I would be bounded with this monster for lifetime. He could do anything he pleases with me. I would become his slave. And never in life had I ever imagined my husband to be a monster. He abused me for no reason. Marrying him would mean one hell of a abusive life.

Hell, I never had a boyfriend my entire life. Because back then, I used to think that no one is eligible for me. And after my parents death, I lost interest in my life and dedicated myself to Aiden.

So just like that I need to stop bothering about my life for Aiden. I need to sacrifice myself so that, Aiden can live a safe life. But for that I need to make sure that he is away from all this. Away from me.

"I will", I said. He smirked in satisfaction and backed away. I looked into his eyes.

"But", I said and paused. There was a frown on his face. His gaze sent shivers down my spine and I had to gather all of my courage to speak further.

"You have to let my brother go. And you have to promise me that you will never bother him again", I said.

His face became blank. But then a smirk got plastered on his face. "Now playing. Aren't we Belle", he said. After that there was a pause of complete 1 minute. The silence made me anxious.

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