Chapter 11

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My eyes fluttered open only to see a black ceiling above me. I found myself on a king size bed wrapped in a black blanket. How did I got here? I remember getting myself beaten to death. Then it striked me. A wave of sting throughout my body. But it was not paining that much. I clearly remember the pain, I felt yesterday. I felt I would die from it.

But, no. I am alive. But how did I end up here? Stupid girl, it might be him only. I tried getting up. My body twitched in pain. But it was bearable. I moved out of the bed. I needed to use washroom.

"I see. You are up", he said and my eyes collided with his. I flinched seeing him. I clearly remember what he did yesterday. How he was striking me with his belt? How he didn't hear my cries and wails? And now I know that he is a cruel and merciless being.

He started coming close towards me. I backed away in fear. I fell on the bed in process. He stood infront of me. I tried my best not to shiver. He raised his hand. I thought he would slap me again so I closed my eyes. But what surprised me was that his hands went to tuck a strand of hair behind my ears. I opened my eyes in shock and looked at his face.

His face was as usual blank and expressionless. He cupped my cheeks. What is wrong with him? He stared at me for quite a while. And I kept staring at his face.

"Go and take shower", he said and removed his hand. "And after that make breakfast for me", he said. I got up and ran away to the door I thought was washroom. But it turned out to be a closet. I opened the other gate and there it was. I entered and locked the gate.

I gave out a sigh of relief and started taking shower. I took a long shower in the cold water. The cold water soothened the burning sensation in my body due to his lashes yesterday. A wave of shiver ran down my spine just by remembering it.

I turned towards the mirror and found my body bruised and some red marks were visible. There was also a bruise on my left cheek. I sighed and turned off the shower. I wiped my body and searched the bathroom cabinets for a first aid kit.

After finding it, I applied some antiseptic on my injuries. I again looked at myself in mirror. The girl infront of me was no longer the once beautiful girl but a ugly girl. There were bags under my eyes. My body was covered in bruises.

"Are you still not done?", he shouted from outside. I hurriedly packed the first aid and kept it at its place. Then realisation struck me that I don't have anything to wear. And he is standing right outside. What should I do? Should I ask some clothes from him? Yeah, I should.

"I don't have any clothes", I stuttered saying.

"Just come outside. I have arranged it", he said. No, I can't go outside like this. I don't trust that monster.

"Can't you give it to me here only?", I asked nervous. There was complete silence for a minute.

"Here, open the door and take it", he said. I sighed in relief. Atleast he listened to me. I wrapped myself in towel just to be extra cautious and opened the door slightly and extended my hand.

But instead what I felt was my butt hitting the ground and the door was open widely with him standing right infront of me.

"Did you forget that you are my slave?", he asked. I looked down. My one hand was tightly clutching the towel.

"You are not supposed to order me around. You do as I say without any objection", he said in a raised voice. I nodded my head without saying anything.

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