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REALLY OFTEN, people end up thinking about that one point their life really got that awful. They always end up remembering the exact moment. For instance, Nature probably often remembered the night it decided to create human being. Or parents probably remember that day they decided to get a child when said toddler decides to, in the middle of the night, ask why ducks don't have feelings.

Jai? He was thinking about that moment he agreed to the amusement park with his friends. Technically, he never agreed. His mother did when she forced him to go, telling him to socialise and have fun.

"You look like your life just ended," Lucas laughed, patting his shoulder. "You should copy Chloe's reaction instead."

Chloe was smiling to much it probably hurt as she jumped. "This!" Jump. "Is!" Jump. "So!" Jump. "Cool!"

"It really isn't," Reece mechanically answered, not even looking at her. It didn't sadden her at all, though. Chloe was now biting her hand in excitement.

"They have Cotton Candy!" She squealed.

Lucas' head snapped up quickly. "Where?" He asked, looking around him.

She pointed at a stand. "There!" She turned to Azalea. "I need to eat some. Please?"

"It's just air and sugar with some pink colour," Azalea deadpanned, not looking the least excited about it. "On a stick."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Chloe made a puppy face. "Pretty please with a salad fruit on top?"

Azalea blinked. "Why do you even need my permission to eat some Candy Floss?"

Chloe frowned and he nose wrinkled as she realised her friend was right. In less than a second, she was standing in front of the stand, with Lucas at her side, buying her food.

"Blue or pink?" The bored teenager asked them.

"'So raise your glass if you are wrong, In all the right ways, All my underdogs, We will never be never be anything but loud And nitty gritty, dirty little freaks Won't you come on and come on and-'"

"What does that mean?" The girl cut Lucas in his singing, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Pink," Jai clarified for his friend.

What if that wasn't what he wanted? But he did sing a P!nk song? Maybe it wasn't and you just got it totally wrong. What if there's a band called "Blue" and that was their song? He'll hate you forever because you made him eat a pink one! And now, they're all looking at you.

"Pink too, please," Chloe added, smiling.

Lucas got his and one minute later, the girl handed Chloe hers. "Here you go," she sighed.

"Thanks!" Chloe grinned. "You're a sweetheart!"

Her interlocutor blinked. "I- Thanks? Have a good day."

"You too!"

"Saw that?" Azalea whispered to Jai and waited for him to nod. "That's how we're supposed to act when we talk with people."

He smiled. "It's easier said than done."

She shrugged. "I'll give you that." She then widened her eyes. "We should totally try the roller coaster."

"Roller coaster?" John repeated, looking around him. "Where?"

Jai and Azalea exchanged a worried look. "Right in front of you?" Azalea proposed, pointing at the gigantic roller coaster.

The twin gave a nervous laugh as he nodded along, as his brother complained about him to busy checking out some guy to actually look around him. Lucas was rather protective.

remember when I knewNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ