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"THIS IS A bad idea," Jai Price muttered, more to himself since no one was really listening to him. "A really, really bad idea."

Aiden glared at him, as the other shrugged dismissively. "Shush up, and do your job already."

"Oh for the world's sake Aiden, listen to him. This is an epic 'it's gonna fail' plan," Lucas whined. "And we're losing lunch time for this, lunch time. On a bloody pizza day, and I know I've-"

He was right. It was the worst plan in 'the worst plans ever imagined' pile. And Jai was saying that, Master of Bad Ideas Jai.

"Reece?" Aiden asked, hoping his best friend would help him out, but he was busy looking at his phone, like he usually was.

"Use your brain," was the only reply from the dark-haired boy, and he didn't even dignify it a glance at the others.

"I'm in actually," Azalea commented from her seat, head rested on her crossed arms, letting out a sigh.

"Seriously?" John exclaimed. "You're in? But it's-"

She shrugged. "It'll be entertaining."

Aiden pulled up his hand for a high-five, but she only looked at it, daring him to make her move, and he dropped it down again. "My plan is ongoing then!"

"We still didn't agree," Lucas reminded him. "Think pizza, think the nice warm bread, and the tomato sauce, and the cheese... Oh, the cheese..."

Aiden gave them a tired look. "I know you want to do it. What bad could possibly happen?"

"We're talking of trapping Frigg fucking Evans in a locker for a whole day. I'd say painful death is the best thing that could happen to us then. Never ending torture being one of the worst. You know she hates closed spaces, man," John deadpanned.

"She knew I hated spid-" He stopped. "She won't kill us. Nor torture us."

"We all know you're scared of spiders, Aiden. No need to hide it," Azalea said, raising an eyebrow. "Everyone is scared of spiders. Spiders are nasty."

"I am not scared of spiders," he snapped. "Reece?"

Reece looked at him, blinking in confusion, since he apparently had not been following the rest of the conversation. "What?"

"Tell them I'm not scared of spiders."

"Sure. He's not scared of spiders."

"See?" He opened up his arms to mark his point.

Azalea gasped suddenly, jumping backward, making even Jai let out a startled cry. "Aiden, don't move," she whispered, her hands lifting in front of her head.

"What?" He asked, paling.

"Don't move. Don't scream. But- but there's a- a spider."

She pretended to hide behind Jai the best she could from her chair beside him, her fingers grasping the top in his back, hiding her face in his shoulders. He first thought she was crying, but then he realised she was trying to hold back her laughter.

His entire body felt like a ship sinking. He could feel her breath, her fingers, her hair on his skin. He felt everything, and his heart was suddenly running a marathon.

You're fine, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine. You. Are. Fine.

"A spider?" Aiden repeated, his voice breaking. "Where?"

"On your head," Lucas yelled in a dramatic sob, joining the act, almost completely sat on his twin's lap, making Josh roll his eyes, and try to push him back down. "Don't move!"

"Reece?" Aiden asked, his eyes darting to the boy, the rest of him frozen in place.

Reece looked away from his phone again with a deep sigh, completely done. "What?"

You're fine, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine.

"Is there a spider on my head?"

Reece blinked, his eyes drifted from Aiden's hair to Azalea. She narrowed her eyes at him, leaning away from Jai the slightest. If somehow they were having a telepathic conversation, she was probably threatening him.

"There is. It's gigantic. And scary," Reece said robotically, frowning at his own words, he frowned, shrugging at Azalea, as though to say he didn't know what else to say.

"Take it off me!" Aiden yelped.

"Sure thing," Azalea answered. She moved towards him, taking her notebook and hitting him on the head with it.

As the alarm went off in Jai's head, he couldn't help but feel almost cold when she pulled away.


"Oops," she smiled sheepishly, "I missed it. I've got a terrible aim." She hit him again.

"There is, and was no spider," Aiden guessed, pushing her notebook away. "Was there?"

"A few minutes late, but that's right, buddy," John nodded.

"What about my plan?" The blond questioned after glaring at them.

"We're in," Jai smiled. "Don't worry about that."

"Shall we rest in peace," Lucas sighed.

"You're so dramatic," Azalea sighed. "We won't die."

"We'll see about that!" John protested. "We'll see about that...




A/N: Short chapter, sorry. I won't have a lot of time to write since I'm not going to be at home a lot this week... But I shall do my best.

Question: What was the worst movie adaptation you've seen?

I'd say...

1. Percy Jackson

2. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

3. Pride and Prejudice (The latest one. The 1995 one was just a masterpiece.)


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