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 JAI PRICE was so sure someone would realise. He spent his day looking around him anxiously. Was someone going to notice that he was different? Or maybe they'll see the scars? What if they found out? Would it be a good thing? A bad one?

No one noticed.

He almost wished they'd have.

"Are you alright?" John asked, his eyes not leaving the guy he was checking out however.

No. "Yup."

"What are you watching?" Lucas questioned even though he knew exactly what his twin was watching.

"Nothing," John said quickly, turning tomato red.

"Uh-uh. I didn't know Nothing was his name. I thought it was Mike," Jai commented.

"Whatever," John shrugged. "He has a girlfriend either way so..."

"So I won't need my bat? Noted," Lucas answered thoughtfully, still glaring at the back of said Mike.

"What did I do to deserve an overprotective brother?"

"What did I do to deserve stupid friends?" Reece sighed, looking up from his phone a few seconds.

"Are you counting me in that category?" Aiden asked his best friend, eyes narrowed.

"Of course. You let Frigg steal your biology price. And she got 100% in English while you got 98%."

Aiden narrowed his eyes. "I would retort that I currently have the highest maths and chems grade, but I just remembered something much more important. Can I borrow one of your phones?"

Reece threw his and Aiden caught it a few inches in front of his nose. He seemed to tense for a second and then relaxed. "Thanks."

"What's that for?" Jai asked, a bit scared. How was he going to use it to make Frigg's life miserable?

"Just need to film something. Trust me, we'll want to have it saved somewhere."

"What did you do?" Lucas asked with an excited grin, always the number one fan of every prank Aiden and Frigg could pull off. Jai was certain he had preciously kept traces of each one.

"You'll see."

They waited until Frigg and Annie got in. They were talking with Azalea. Maybe he should warn her to like step aside? In case if?

Ha. As if he'd just go and talk to her. Funny.

They sat and Mr. Reich came in. He was an old, bored and children-hater teacher. Why he decided that teaching would be his dream job? No idea, but it was a mistake. He honestly looked like he wanted to kill them all. Or kill himself at least.

"Students," he said. They waited for him to go on but he just stood there, staring at them.

Someone coughed and Mr. Reich jumped a little. He relaxed again and glared at the poor boy. "As I was saying-"

"You weren't talking, sir," Hazel, a black haired girl, piped in.

He glared. "As I was saying, we-"

"He wasn't talking," Hazel mumbled to Finn. Finn and Hazel were always talking together during class. They acted like an old married couple even though they weren't dating.

All she got was another glare from Mr. Reich.

"Of course he was," Finn said, almost yelling. "How dare you say bad things about my oh so favourite teacher?"

"Is there a problem?" Mr Reich groaned.

"Yes, sir. Hazel here can't stop talking to me and it disturbs my concentration."

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