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"I DON'T KNOW what to do," Chen Azalea sighed as she stared at the ceiling over her. Of course, no one answered. But that wasn't surprising since she was alone.

"He's still doing it," she continued. "And I have no idea of how the heck I'm supposed to help him out."

She wrinkled her nose and turned on her stomach, facing her pillow. She grabbed her computer and opened it. How do you help a self-harming friend?

"Try to be accepting and normalize (you don't have to tell them they're right) how they feel as people cope differently, and gently encourage them to seek help. You can gently help them understand that this behaviour is not working for them and offer to get help."

"People who self-harm should be taken seriously and offered help." Finding help and support If you are worried about a friend or a loved one, encourage them to speak with their GP to find out what support is available in their local area. If you are worried they may be in immediate danger, call 111, 999, or visit your local A&E department."

"People can feel ashamed about self-harming. Ask your friend how things are going, or how they're feeling, to open the way for a discussion about self-harm. Let your friend know that you're there for them if they feel down or stressed. Tell your friend you're worried about them, and why."

Azalea sighed again. Trying to talk about it. Getting help.  As if she didn't think about that before.

Her phone rang and she took it, answering. "Hi?" No one answered. She frowned, first thinking that it might be a prank call until she realised that Jai called her. "Jai? Are you there?"

She heard some kind of sharp breath and then he replied. "Azalea?"

She got up and started walking in her room. "Jai, what is it?"

"I... I don't know- I-"

"Breathe," she whispered. "Are you standing?"


"Yes or no, Jai. Are you standing?"


"Sit down," she advised. "But keep your feet steady on the floor. You must feel the ground or whatever there is under your feet. Where are you, Jai?"

"I'm waiting for Sha. She's at her cello rehearsal."

"Is there anyone else?" Azalea asked him, sitting down herself.


"What's the problem?"

"I- I don't know. I can't breathe. There's this- this thing in my throat."

"Jai, I need you to count to ten with me, O.K.?"

"One." She waited and slowly breathed in. "Two." And then out. "Three." In. "Four." Out. "Five." In. "Six. Out. "Seven." She heard him breathe in as she did. "Eight." Out. "Nine." In. "And ten." She exhaled slowly. "Now put your hand on your throat. Don't grab it. Just put it over it. Do you feel like it's growing? Can you feel it with your hand?"

"N-No, but-"

"It's not then, alright? Repeat after me: 'There's nothing in my throat, it is fine'."

"There is nothing in my throat, it is fine."


"There is nothing in my throat, it is fine."

Azalea quickly glanced at her computer. "It's almost half past now. When does her cello end?"

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