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"NEVER HAVE I EVER cheated during a test," Chen Azalea said, looking thoughtfully around her. As she thought, Lucas, John and Jai all took a glass of the soda.

"You've never cheated?" She asked Aiden and Reece in wonder.

She thought everyone did at least once in their life. They shook their heads and she lifted her eyebrows in surprise.

"It's not like Aiden needs to cheat," Lucas blankly explained. Azalea did remember that that he was always answering or correcting the teacher in class –mostly in a contest against Frigg, who seemed pretty nerdy herself. She mentally sighed: all of those smartarses... She really needed to find dumb friends.

Or no friends, of course. Definitely no friends. It's not like she needed friends. The others weren't even friends, just... people she apparently hung out with.

"For the last time, I'm not a genius," the blond boy protested with a roll of his eyes, making Azalea snicker. Was the idiot actually complaining to be called a genius? "I just actually study."

"Whatever," John gave up, giving his twin a meaningful look: Aiden was a genius. "It's my turn. Never have I ever kissed a girl. On the mouth"

He watched happily as Jai, Azalea and Lucas drank. Azalea wrinkled her nose at the taste: she despised sparkling drinks.

"We still haven't found a way to make Reece or Aiden drink," Jai muttered.

"NEW RULE!" Lucas yelled, almost hitting Jai as he moved enthusiastically. "WE'VE GOT TO FORCE A DRINK IN AIDEN AND REECE! GO, GO, GO!"

"Damn," Azalea groaned, covering her ears, moving towards Jai to distance herself from the overly excited boy to her right. "Did we put alcohol instead of coke in his glass?"

"Never have I ever had a crush," Jai said, looking hopefully at his friends, like a robot like Reece would've actually had feelings. Not that Azalea could judge: she was usually the cold one.

As she thought, Reece didn't drink– but to her surprise, neither did Aiden.

"Hold on, are we going to let Aiden pass on that one?" John complained, sharing Azalea's thoughts, apparently.

"I don't have a crush on someone and I never had one," the blond claimed, glaring at them, his glass on the floor at his feet.

"Two words, one name. Frigg Evans," Lucas deadpanned.

"I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!" He breathed in sharply. "Nor will I ever have one."

"I bet you twenty dollars on that one," Reece told Jai from his side, his phone forgotten on his lap, as he glanced in a bored stance at his best friend.

"HEY! BRO CODE!" Aiden elbowed him. "You're supposed to agree with me."

"I agree with the truth," Reece just answered, shrugging, before he opened his phone again, the blue light drowning his face; the room was slightly dark.


Azalea frowned, her left leg almost touching Jai's right one now. "Are we sure he should keep drinking coke?"

"Yeah, no more sugar for you," John agreed, taking his brother's glass.

"Not fair!" Lucas protested as he tried to get his glass back. John just put it on the side, pushing away the dark-haired boy.

"Totally fair," he countered. "Plus, sugar makes you sleep-talk, and trust me, no one needs to hear that."


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