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CHEN AZALEA was wishing to have another normal day at school. Apparently, that wasn't what was planned for her.

Usually, she would stay alone, glaring at anyone coming near her direction, eating with a silent black-haired boy who was too busy playing on his phone to even notice her, and when class was over, she would go home and ignore Cherry.

But today, everything changed. It all started with an idiot.


She opened her locker. Thinking that some students were far too loud. What was Primrose even for a name? They weren't in the Hunger Games.


She put her bag in it. She didn't know that much people were named after flowers. Curious.


She took her morning classes stuff, making sure she'd taken the right book. For some reason, almost all of her books were red, and a French book in English was of no use.


She closed her locker. She hadn't forgotten anything, had she? Probably not.

"...Scary girl?"

She turned on her heels and almost bumped into Lucas.

"O.K.," he sighed dramatically. "It's five hours too early. What flower's your name?"

She gave him a blank look and pointed at the 'So please don't stay in touch' black letters on her top, hoping he was smart enough to get the message. Evidence shows he wasn't.

Lucas only frowned. "Is it Violet?"

John, behind his brother, smacked him on the head. "It's Azalea, you idiot."

Lucas gasped. "Azalea! Right." He looked sheepishly around him, like he forgot what he was going to say.

"We wanted to tell you you could come and eat with us at lunch," John said when he understood his twin was a lost case.

Azalea blinked. "I'll see," she lied, not bothering to look at them in the eyes.

"Great!" he smiled. "Well see you at lunch!"

She smiled sharply at them and walked away. She'd told them she would see, not that she would come. It wasn't her problem if they were giving themselves fake hopes.

She survived for her morning classes, and when it was finally lunch, she felt like sleeping. Why was school so boring anyway?


Not again...

A red-headed jumped in front of her, followed by a short, black skinned and curvy haired girl.

"Fiona," Azalea sighed, trying not to look to annoyed. Her eyes went to the other. "And..."

"Helena," the other just said.

"We thought you could eat lunch with us?" Fiona smiled, pointing at a bunch of people making their way to the cafeteria.

It's just the day, isn't it?

"Uh... Actually, I'm already eating with someone." She mentioned to the twins table, wishing they wouldn't suggest that all of them would come as well.

"Oh," Fiona frowned. "Maybe another time then, yeah?"

"Maybe."Technically isn't a lie.

Azalea huffed as she walked towards the tables. Now she'd have to eat with John and Lucas. That was just great. Why couldn't they let her eat alone? Wasn't the T-Shirt enough? Maybe she should just wear the 'Fuck off' one?

remember when I knewTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang