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Hello! Let's make it short.... (Though I'm not sure I would know how to...)

First things first: I hope you're having a good day! If not, remember: read and it will get better!

I'll begin with a trigger warning. This book deals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) and suicide. I will put a TW before the worst chapters, but this is what the book is about. If you don't know whether you can take it or not, I strongly suggest that you stop reading. I don't want to trigger anyone, you have been warned.

Some other characters deal with other things, such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and Asperger's. I tried to research the most I could about all of them, tried to keep away from  most of the false stereotypes, but if you are more aware than I am, and find a problem in the way I wrote it, please tell me (respectfully). I don't want to upset anyone.

And now....

1. I created every single one of those characters. They're my babies. This book is my work from 'the boring part' to 'the end'.  I honestly don't think anyone would actually get something out of this story, and steal it would be kinda stupid. Plus, I think everyone is able to write amazing books. So basically, if you came here to steal my story: go write your own. It'll be better than mine, I'm sure. If you find Remember when I knew somewhere else than on Wattpad under my profile, please tell me.

2. My characters have different opinions. Some of them might not agree with you. Please don't shame me for what my characters think. They're not me. They're people with their own mind. I try to make them think differently so the story becomes more realistic.

3. Be respectful. I'm not a writer. Writing isn't my job, and I know this won't be 100% perfect. You can give me constructive criticism! And be respectful with each others too! Wattpad is a society, so let's act like one! If you get mean, I'll let Miss Trunchbull  use you to train her hammer throwing!

I hope you'll like it!

Elia Sofin

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