69 | my gravity

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A/N: I highly recommend listening to the song 'j's lullaby' by Delany Bailey while reading this chapter. when I discovered it, all i could think of is how perfect it depicts Nox's feelings towards jimin. it just fits JM and nox's aesthetic...

with that being said, hope you enjoy!
also happy late valentines day!



After desert Yoongi started feeling a little drowsy. He was yawning nonstop, and his mouth was wide open like a lion unleashing its most brilliant roar when Jimin suggests leaving. My eyes haven't left the balcony doors ever since I sat down and all I do is nod helplessly. I feel bad because when I returned, I haven't said a word to either of them; I was either glaring intensely at the doors or distracting my mind by scrolling through my phone.

Yoongi didn't seem to mind, but Jimin on the other hand seemed more concerned. He didn't ask me about it though and the little troubled pout on his face serves as another punch into my gut. I know he doesn't want to put me on the spot in front of Yoongi. My leg would start shaking relentlessly; making the table vibrate when Jimin's hand stills me, assuring me that he's here.

"When are you going to be done with exams?" Asks Yoongi with a small yawn.

"In a week or two I guess, just before winter break, I believe." Jimin replies. "Why are you asking?"

"We should all go somewhere."

"Like a vacation?" He says with a grin. "I wouldn't mind that. Haven't gone on a vacation since the last time I went with the boys to Mexico."

"Yeah," Yoongi mewls. "What about you Nox?"

I turn to face him and shrug almost indifferent. "What?"

"Do you think you're going to be free from work during winter break?" He asks.

"I think so," I mutter. "I'll probably have my hands full the first week because people usually like booking massage appointments as gifts."

"Well clear your schedule the second week, because we're going somewhere."

I arch a brow. "We're both currently broke and you literally mentioned moving out of the apartment an hour ago."

"I haven't thought that far yet don't nag me."

At last, we take off and I'm in the backseat of Jimin's car while Yoongi's sound asleep next to Jimin. His dark brown eyes find mine through the mirror and I instinctively look away, knowing that he wants to start a discussion. To my surprise he doesn't say a word for the ride back home and I go with it. Once we approach the apartment, he parks in his designated spot. Yoongi stirs in his sleep and wakes up soon afterwards.

"We're back?" He asks, his voice raspy.

"Yeah," Jimin mutters hoarsely.

We all exit the car and head straight into the front yard of the apartment. Jimin is walking ahead with Yoongi while I follow behind them with my head down. Part of me is gloomy about the fact that Jimin hasn't said a word to me ever since we left the restaurant, but I quickly shake it off and fiddle with the keys in my purse.

"Night Nox," Yoongi says to me with a slight wave, and I smile.

Jimin walks ahead with him quietly.

Is he mad?

I can't blame him if he's mad at me. I did blow everyone off for the past hour.

I unlock the door of my apartment and put the keys in the bowl on the little table next to the doorframe. Running a hand through my hair, I take off my jacket and hang it. I pace towards the kitchen when I hear footsteps from the other room and Axel steps outside with reddened cheeks.

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