Chapter 52: Looking for Yourself Out There

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

In case anyone's wondering, yes, Krypton, Xenon, Argon, and Neon have civilian names. But they aren't mentioned, that would be confusing and irrelevant. When they detransform, they are simply referred to by their guardian titles.

Keika said Xenon's a few chapters ago because it's a play on Naru's DiC dub name, Molly.
Ruanyu is Chinese for the gemstone, Nephrite.

Chapter 52: Looking For Yourself Out There

"Mother... Father.... Everyone..." Princess Kakyuu murmured into her hands.

In the flickering projection from Fighter's star yell, tears sprang to Kakyuu's made-up eyes. The Princess of the Tankei Kingdom of Kinmoku looked emotionally at her parents and their guardians together at last.

The four seasons porch of Hotaru's home was crowded, but no complaints arose as everyone gathered around the holographic call. This space, the largest room in the house, offered a spectacular view of the winter wonderland backyard. The sunset's burning rays skimmed the tops of snow banks, illuminating the surrounding Japanese forest like a backlit fireplace.

Extra chairs were brought in to accommodate the gathering. Usagi helped Hotaru in distributing slices of delectable apple pie using Hotaru's late mother's twenty-person serving set, never before utilized until this heartfelt reunion.

"My dear," Guihua addressed his daughter. "It's just as your mother said, we have watched over you all these years. You have made us immeasurably proud, honey."

Kakyuu paused to wipe her eye with a manicured finger. "I am overjoyed you all are safe," she said. "I never thought I would see any of you again. It's a true miracle."

"I always had faith," Keika said. "One should never relinquish hope."

"We're eager to see you in person, Princess!" Krypton added. Her iced-aqua eyes twinkled. "It's been so long."

"It truly has," Kakyuu concurred. "The palace has not felt the same in your absence."

In the background, Specter made her way halfway onto the floating image. Kakyuu looked over her shoulder, acknowledging the four Starlights behind her with a watery smile.

"We can't wait to meet you," Meteor called from the hovering picture. "The Princess has told us so much about you four and life before the war."

"The sentiment is mutual," Neon replied.

Argon clasped her hands together in delight. "This calls for a huge celebration indeed! Perhaps a grand party? Oh, how I used to love the celebrations we'd have at the palace!"

"I believe we can arrange for that," Kakyuu said. Her tangerine gaze slid to Xenon.  

Memories of the past intertwined with the present. The last she had seen Xenon, Kakyuu was sixteen years old, taking a protective stance before her Starlights that fateful night the palace was invaded by Calamity's generals.

Even though Xenon was behind her parents' mysterious absence, and despite the fact Xenon wanted to hurt her and Sailor Moon, Kakyuu found it in herself to offer a long, forgiving nod. Kakkyuu could sense Xenon's sincere intentions to change for the better, even through the fuzziness of the cross-galaxy call.

"We'll be waiting for you," Lover piped from behind Kakyuu. "Let us know when you depart from Earth."

"Of course," Keika replied. "We have chosen to depart tomorrow night, following the New Year's Eve celebration at the shrine."

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