Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose
🍓🌙 🌹

Chapter 45: Did the Wind Sweep You off Your Feet?

As the taxi coasted down the road, Usagi leaned her cheek against the frosted window, realizing she had never been to Hotaru's new home before.

The outer guardian had relocated back to her father's residence after the war. Usagi knew it had been a difficult choice for Hotaru; she considered Michiru, Haruka, and Setsuna as family too. Yet, Hotaru couldn't leave her dad on his own. Still, from the way Hotaru spoke, it was evident she visited the outer guardians frequently. They had even preserved her old bedroom untouched for her occasional stays.

The two-story cottage crept into view. Nestled just outside the city, the Tomoe residence was embraced by cherry blossom trees that bloomed a fragrant, pinky-white in the spring. Now, only days away from the New Year, the bare branches wore a sparkling coat of snow. The blue-grey sky stretched in an endless dome overhead. Purple lightning struck the horizon in treacherous flashes.

Usagi glanced at Chibi-Usa, wide-eyed in her car seat beside her. The baby peered around curiously as if to ask, Where are we going?

"Aunt Hotaru and Aunt Puu are going to watch you for the day, okay? I've got some errands to run, but I'll be back later."

Seiya, seated on the other side of Chibi-Usa, quirked an eyebrow. Only Usagi would refer to confronting a deranged sailor guardian hyped up on her teammates' sailor crystals from another planet as "just an errand". In Usagi's lap, Luna was thinking the same thing, visibly sweatdropping.

The cab slowed to a halt. Seiya stepped out, holding the door first for Keika in the passenger seat, then for Usagi, who clumsily retrieved Chibi-Usa's car seat, holding it close.

"We won't be long," Seiya told the taxi driver. He grunted and gestured toward the meter, which continued to tick away.

Hotaru greeted them at the front door before they could even knock.  "Come on in."

The home smelled heavenly, like apple pie and nutty spices. As they were led through the kitchen, Usagi noticed the oven light aglow. With any hope, Hotaru would offer her something sweet to eat to soothe her nerves about the impending mission.

"Was your father alright with you missing school today?" Usagi asked. She wasn't sure how much Souichi Tomoe knew about their lives as sailor guardians if anything at all. Aside from Naru, the only person privy to their secret identities was Motoki. Makoto had confided in him when their relationship turned serious a few years back.

"Yes," Hotaru replied. "Papa has questions of course, but he understands when it comes to things like this."

They entered the living room where Setsuna was seated properly on the sofa. She stood, smoothing her pencil skirt and giving a subtle bow.

"Are the others headed to the home now?" Setsuna inquired.

"Yes," Usagi answered, referring to Naru, Yaten, Minako, and Artemis. "They took another cab. Ami and Taiki are meeting us there too."

"I see," Setsuna said.  "Likewise, I heard from Michiru and Haruka this morning.  Mamoru should be leaving for Aoyama soon as well."

Seiya bristled at the mention of his name.

"I sure hope Xenon is there," Usagi said, oblivious. "Otherwise, I guess we'll be back in an hour with no leads."

"I believe Naru has good instincts," Keika said. "However, I cannot be certain about Xenon's location though. When she commanded our power, things became hazy."

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