Chapter 26: Disguises

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

There are lots of attractive characters in the Sailor Moon universe, but by far the sexiest man in the whole series is Nephrite. I said what I said lol. Beautiful hair, tan skin, muscular build, broad shoulders, deep voice...all wrapped into a bad boy persona. Sorry not sorry for my biased opinion describing his looks in this fic :3

Chapter 26: Disguises

Sailor Moon and Sailor Star Fighter helped the woman of Nephrite's attack to her feet. She appeared shaken and drained from having her energy sapped, but after a few minutes of sitting on the curb, she insisted she was fine. She looked shocked and a little starstruck to see the recognizable sailor guardians, and she thanked Sailor Moon profusely before they left.

Sailor Mercury and Sailor Star Maker didn't linger around, and it wasn't difficult to see why.

As the adrenaline subsided, Sailor Moon became aware of the bone-chilling cold, and she couldn't help but think of Fighter, who must be freezing in her Starlight uniform. This felt worse than the time they were searching for the entrance to the Dark Kingdom's lair in the North Pole. As Sailor Moon shivered uncontrollably, she noticed the goosebumps on Fighter's bare arms and thighs.

"C'mon," Fighter said, taking her hand. "Let's get home before you catch a cold."

"I'm-m-m- more w-worried ab-bout you!" Sailor Moon chattered.

The two women took off in the night, slipping into the nearest darkened alley to de-transform once they were sure the coast was clear. It wasn't uncommon for the police or press to show up shortly after the sailor guardians were spotted in public. Usagi was still anticipating an article in the newspaper about the café attack and the mysterious monsters popping up all over town.

Seiya rubbed her mittens together to restore blood flow to her fingertips. Usagi clung to her side, and even in this less-than-ideal situation, it put a grin on her face. Seiya slipped her arm around the shorter girl and hugged her close while she hailed a taxi. Although Usagi's apartment was only a fifteen-minute walk away, the battle had left them exhausted, and the night felt frigid when they weren't sprinting to the scene of a crime.

"Apartments on Hoshino Ave, please," Usagi told the driver.

Seiya asked the taxi man to crank up the heat, and ever so slowly, they felt their frozen limbs begin to thaw.

Usagi stared out the window at the buildings flashing by in a blur. The cloud cover had suddenly obscured the moon and stars. She watched purple lightning flash in the distance.

"He knew about you," Usagi murmured. "He knew there were three Starlights."

Seiya settled her lips in a line. Her eyes flicked up to the rearview mirror, where she met the driver's gaze in the reflection.

"Could you turn up the radio, sir?" she requested. Usagi noticed that Seiya lowered her voice an octave while in public.

"Of course," the driver replied.

Once Minako's new single blared loud enough to drown out their words, Seiya said, "Did Nephrite possess any psychic abilities to your knowledge?"

"I don't think he did."

"This is strange. I don't know why we would be of any interest to him. He even knew you're not our Princess too."

The words stung, though she knew they shouldn't. Usagi swallowed down the jealousy, telling herself there was no point in comparing herself to Princess Kakyuu. "I figured he would assume you were my guardians, but he knew better," she agreed.

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