Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫

By Strawberry Moon Rose
🍓🌙 🌹

Chapter 15: The Best Soy Latte You've Ever Had

Chibi-Usa only woke once that night. Usagi fed her in the rocking chair and ten minutes later, the baby was fast asleep. She crept down the hall to the kitchen for a glass of water, pausing to notice Haruka's sleeping silhouette on the couch. In the moonlight, her handsome face looked younger than twenty-five and Usagi couldn't help but feel a little bad for her behavior earlier. Then she remembered the way Haruka was always glaring at Seiya and changed her mind.

Returning to bed, Seiya rolled towards Usagi, her sleeping form seeking closeness. Usagi welcomed the contact. I never said I didn't feel the same... she thought, breathing in her scent. 

When Usagi woke, sunshine illuminated the room. To her slight disappointment, she found herself alone in bed. Yet, her attention was quickly captured by the sight of Chibi-Usa, gleefully rocking on her hands and knees in her crib.

"Chibi-Usa! Are you trying to crawl? You're too young for that yet, but you look so determined, don't you?" Usagi pinched her cheeks before scooping her up.

After she changed Chibi-Usa's diaper and put her in a long-sleeved dress and leggings, Usagi stood before her closet, sifting through the hangers before choosing a similar outfit for herself.

"We match today!" Usagi proclaimed, twirling in her dress.

Chibi-Usa, sitting on the floor, chewed on her crinkly toy book in approval.

With Chibi-Usa on her hip, Usagi entered the kitchen, discovering Seiya cooking scrambled eggs at the stove and Haruka sipping coffee at the table.

"'Morning, Bun Head! You hungry?"

"Always." Usagi slipped past her and began making her daughter's rice cereal. Her voice lowered as she asked, "Did you sleep okay?"

Seiya didn't look her way, but Usagi could tell she was smiling. "I slept great. How about you?"

"Good," she said, noticing Seiya's hair was still in a braid. It was messy from slumber, but the fact she left it in made her smile. 

Then she remembered Seiya's confession. It made her feel shy all of a sudden. Usagi busied herself with Chibi-Usa's breakfast, unable to meet the taller woman's eyes. Which she knew was ridiculous because she wasn't the one who had been vulnerable last night.

"Good morning, Haruka," Usagi quipped, joining her at the table. The outer guardian nodded and took a long sip of black coffee while Usagi strapped Chibi-Usa into her highchair.

She fed her daughter in silence while Seiya cooked. When the Starlight slipped into the bathroom, Haruka set her mug down with an air of seriousness. From the way her lips were pursed, Usagi knew she was in for a lecture.

"Kitten," Haruka began, "I can only imagine how you've been feeling this past year. And I'm sorry we haven't been around to support you through your and Mamoru's separation and Chibi-Usa's birth as we should have."

Her words caught Usagi by surprise. "It's...okay. I mean, I've been managing," she said.

"You're lonely, aren't you?"

Usagi shrugged, a gesture that failed to mask the depth of her emotions.

"I might not be the best person to voice this, but I feel compelled to say it anyway – someday, you deserve to move forward with someone else," Haruka's words held an edge, an urgency fueled by her protective instincts. Her tone shifted, growing tense as she continued, "But...for the love of god, why does it have to be with Seiya of all people?"

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