Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere

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💫 Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose


Chapter 28: Chaos Everywhere

"Ready to go, Bun Head?"

Usagi nodded. Her fingers gently released her new tier's form as it dissipated into sparkling motes of light. She couldn't wait to use it when the time came. Her stolen confidence was returning.

"I don't suppose Nephrite is going to attack anytime soon," Usagi said, recalling the damage Seiya had inflicted with her sword. "You injured him pretty badly."

"He'll probably need time to recover. Up until now, he's been attacking every day. Whenever he strikes again, we'll be ready for him." Seiya winked.

Usagi took a deep breath, drawing in the sweet, earthy scent of their magical haven one last time. Etched on the back of her eyelids was Seiya, looking picturesque in that gown, surrounded by soft-hued colors - a memory she never wished to fade. But she had a feeling that if she asked, Seiya would bring her back here again one day.

"Relax, just as you did before," the Starlight instructed, her hands reaching out to take Usagi's.

The pleasant tingle returned to Usagi's fingertips, and without being told, she let Seiya in. Her energy felt like home. This time she anticipated the warmth and the brief free-falling sensation. When her eyes opened, they were back in her room, sitting on their knees across from each other on the bed. Transitioning from the prismatic world to the dimly lit bedroom was disorienting, but Usagi quickly regained her bearings.

Chibi-Usa rustled in the crib. She trusted Seiya's words from earlier; that they hadn't been gone for more than a moment on Earth, despite the extraordinary experience they had shared.

"Home sweet home," Usagi said, smiling right into Seiya's eyes.


The following morning, as they gathered around the breakfast table, Luna posed a question to her owner. "You're going to talk to Naru's mother today?"

"Mmmyes," Usagi replied through a mouthful of tamagoyaki and steamed rice. She swallowed before continuing. "Her jewelry shop opens at eight, so we'll leave soon."

"That's a good idea," Luna said. "Hopefully she can offer some insight into what's going on with Naru and Nephrite all of a sudden."

"I want to come too," Rei declared. "If there's any negative energy nearby, I should be there to decipher it."

After breakfast, Rei and Seiya cleared the table, while Usagi packed the diaper bag with the essentials for Chibi-Usa. Bottles of milk, backup formula, diapers, wipes, and an extra outfit went into the bag as Chibi-Usa was known to have poop explosions from time to time.

Once they were all prepared for the winter weather, they cautiously made their way to the front door, relieved to find the hallway empty. The downstairs neighbor and her fangirl friends from the previous night were nowhere to be seen.

"They must have given up when we never showed," Usagi commented as they headed toward the elevator.

"That's a relief," said Luna.

Inside the elevator, Rei cleared her throat. "Regardless of what we find out today from Naru's mom, if anything at all, I think we should hold an official sailor guardian meeting here tonight."

Seiya nodded in agreement, her thoughts immediately turning to the outer guardians. "With everyone?"

"Whoever can come," Rei clarified. "Now that we know for sure Nephrite is the one behind these fiend attacks happening in the past few days, I think it'd be best if we could all get on the same page and plot our next move."

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