Chapter 18: Making Up For Lost Time

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💫Drops of Starlight 💫
By Strawberry Moon Rose

Thanks for all the reviews! It's great feedback, hearing how you're all interpreting the story, especially at different paces. There are readers who have waited four months to get to this point and new readers who've read chapters 1-17 in one sitting. You all have interesting theories, comments, and suggestions. Thanks for taking the time to leave them and also taking the time to read. There just aren't enough SeiUsa fanfiction and fanart out there, so I'm happy to add to the fandom.

I can't get enough of these two. And we've finally got them admitting their feelings! First hurdle cleared, but this story is far from over...

Chapter 18: Making Up for Lost Time

The afternoon unfolded like any other, but a subtle shift had taken place, evident in the exchanged glances between the two. The coy smiles and the mere closeness as they brushed past each other hinted at the transformation. Seated a touch nearer, lingering in one another's presence, and engaging in secret conversations held between four blue eyes. A change that was unspoken, intangible, yet real.

The fear of rejection on Seiya's end dissipated, and while Usagi sensed the Starlight's hesitation to the newness of it all, she was starting to see traces of Seiya from her high school memories shining through.

Especially as Seiya toppled the Jenga tower for the second time, spilling wooden blocks over the coffee table and floor.

"Damn it!" Seiya cursed, balling her fists. Hotaru and Usagi laughed in unison.

"It's because you haven't played this game before today," Hotaru offered.

"Seiya doesn't like to lose," Usagi explained, collecting the scattered pieces and reconstructing the tower.

"I'm going to win this time, just watch!"

The trio had been playing cards and board games all afternoon while Chibi-Usa jumped noisily in her exersaucer beside them. She spun a plastic ball filled with colorful beads, amazed at the effect. Chibi-Usa wasn't used to being around anyone but her mom and she reveled in all the stimulation and attention like a social butterfly.

"I'm getting hungry!" Usagi complained, rubbing her belly. "I could go for some hot cocoa! Anyone else?"

"That sounds delicious," said Hotaru. "Have you ever tried adding a dash of cinnamon to yours?"

"No, but that sounds yummy! With whipped cream?"

"Yes, with a pinch of nutmeg, allspice, and a splash of vanilla. That's how my father likes his."

Usagi sprang to her feet. "Ooh, now you have to teach me, Hotaru! Would you like some, Seiya?"


Chibi-Usa made a grunting sound and her face turned red. The sound of her filling diaper was audible, resembling a motorcycle revving down the street at two AM. Once finished, she smiled innocently.

Usagi plucked her from the exersaucer. Dirty diaper scent hung in the air, prompting her to pinch her nose.

"I've got this one, Bun Head," Seiya offered, rising from her seat.

"Thanks." Usagi passed Chibi-Usa over, meeting her eyes in a furtive glance. Seiya winked and she bit back a smile before scurrying to the kitchen where Hotaru was already retrieving three mugs from the cupboard.

"If you've got cocoa and sugar, we can make it from scratch," Hotaru suggested, fetching a carton of milk from the refrigerator.

"The only baking that gets done here is when Mako stops by, so I'm not sure!" Usagi admitted, although she was relieved to find the ingredients. They were neatly organized in rows, which had to be Taiki or Seiya's doing when they had cleaned her apartment. What a difference it made, having everything in its proper place! Usagi had always struggled to locate items, which only added to her daily stress.

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