"I didn't leave him at the altar ."

"Yes you did!" Everyone responded

"It was city hall , we were only getting married to outsmart the cops."

"You made the right decision." Tamis auntie smiled "marriage is a sacred union between a man and a women."

"What's that smell?"

"Self-righteousness, tami."

"No ian . The air smells... clean."

"Where's frank. Haven't seen him in awhile."

"Enjoy it while it lasts Liam. He will be back to stinking up the place in no time." Ivy guessed


"Hey Ivy." Ian approached the semi drunk girl who was sat in a chair in the garden


"You feeling alright?"

"Yeah . Where you headed?"

"To see Mickey."

"Bad idea." She took another sip

"Gonna propose."

"Shit what! Your gonna propose?"


"Tell me all the details."


After she heard Ian walk away a little she yelled

"Hey , uh why again?"

"Huh?" He pulled himself back over to her

"Why are you gonna propose to mick?"

"Because I love him and Debbie told me to."

Ivy laughed

"I thought you were all for us getting married?"

"I never said I wasn't? I'm just nervous for you guys. I don't think you want to marry him ian otherwise you wouldn't have backed out the first time."

"Awh , fuck , Ivy. You can't just throw this on me now. I've already spent all day convincing myself to do this. No , no , nah. I've decided I'm gonna go do it."

"Great , do it."

"Great I'm going."

"Great . Go."

Ian then walked away , Ivy popped open another beer when she heard Ian approach her again

"You're just gonna let me go?"

"Okay. I-I don't know what you want me to do here . Im a little tipsy and your talking about marriage to me."

"Yeah I don't fucking know either , Ivy. I want him back"

"So go get him back"

"But I think I'm gonna have to marry him to do it."

Ivy then got up and stood in-front of Ian.

"I think you should marry him. Someday. Alright? But first, just try and figure out why you don't want to. I love you Ian I hope you know that." She hugged him as he struggled to stay up

"Ivy my crutches." He caught one as it started to fall

"Oh sorry."


"Shouldn't you be like out right now?" Ian asked Ivy when he noticed her presence

"Got more important stuff to do , gotta help Liam find frank."

"Why? We couldn't find him for most of 2005"

"I know that . I was there and then he rocked up that one day passed out in the kitchen , anyways if Liam doesn't find him soon, they're gonna kick him out of school."


"What are you doing?" She pointed at his phone which had his camera out

"Trying to find the right Grindr profile picture. None of the ones I put up got any hits."

"Mate I was a tinder professional still am , look wait." She laughed as she opened her profile and showed ian the photos

"You look like a stripper."

"Thats what I was aiming for." She smirked at him, impressed by herself.

"Especially in that one , looks like you're wearing nothing Ivy." Ian looked at her with a look of disapproval.

"The men love it, the sex is pretty good so? Let me see your photos." She switched the conversation.

She snatched his phone off of him and started scrolling through the ones he took.

"Ian darling . These are putting me to sleep , they need to be more spicy." She scoffed, shoving his phone back in his hands.

"What should I buy some lingerie and pose like you?" He teased making her poke his side.

"Shut up you dickhead. Look nobody wants to date someone who looks like their youth pastor from their grandmas church."

"Jesus I just got violated."

"Like I said spice things up. Take your shirt off or something?" She suggested, just wanting to help a friend out.

"I'm looking for a date not a hookup."

"The way you're headed . You ain't getting either." She laughed making him frown.

"Give me that." He snatched the phone back off of her and then went to take the spicy photo she was on about.

"Ooo look at you." She teased as he lifted up his shirt to reveal his abs for the photo

"Ivy you're putting me off." He instantly let his shirt drop back down getting agitated by the other ginger in the room.

"More like I'm hyping you up. Gonna get all the hot dilfs."

"Okay get out."

He pushed her out and slammed the door.

"Dilfs." She whispered

"Fuck off!"

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now