"Please stop teasing me, I already said I was sorry." Lisa finally put two and two together and realized that Kristina might have been doing all this to get back at her for forgetting her birthday.

Lisa knew it was all her fault but wasn't this too much of a punishment.

"Let's go inside, I'm hungry. You wouldn't want to starve your little sister, would you?" Lisa asked, batting her lashes cutely at her sister. Trying to coax Kristina into letting her go from her teasing clutches.

Lisa only hoped that Kristina wouldn't be shameless enough to tease her in front of everyone inside but knowing who her sister was, she was more than capable.

Seeing as Kristina relented, Lisa took her by the wrist and dragged her towards the house before she changed her mind. They went straight to the dining area, seeing Jisoo and their parents already seated, Lisa went ahead and sat on the seat Jisoo pulled out for her.

"It's nice that you both decided to join us. Where were you?" Nathaniel asked, with his eyes curiously looking at both his daughters, first Kristina then Lisa.

Kristina opened her mouth to say something but judging from the teasing glint that danced in her eyes and the wicked smile she was giving Lisa, she was probably going to say something that would only make her sister more embarrassed than she already was.

Before the words could roll out of Kristina's mouth, Lisa quickly cut her off.

"We were playing, running. You know, we might be adults but very much kids at heart, right Kris?" Lisa turned to her sister, staring at her with pleading eyes.

"Right" Kristina responded with the wicked smile still on her lips and Lisa heaved a sigh of relief, thinking she was free but didn't comprehend the saying' from the frying pan into the fire' until she heard Jisoo speak.

"Hey Lisa, I don't remember seeing you at the party. I know I arrived late but I stayed till the end and didn't see you even once so where were you?"

"Yeah, it's like you just disappeared after I saw you with Liam. I did see him with Kristina after that, so where were you then? Regina also asked, making Lisa feel cornered.

"I went out for fresh air." Came Lisa respond.

"For more than an hour?" Regina doubtfully asked, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

Lisa nervously gulped and glanced to her left where Kristina sat beside her, happily eating her food like she was deriving pleasure from her sister's torture.

Sisters! How cruel they could be.

"You know how I am, I got distracted and started staring at the midnight sky," Lisa said, trying to hide her nervousness from them.

Lisa knew Jisoo and her stepmother, if they were to find out that she had gotten drunk and Jennie Kim had made a move on her in that state, a war would definitely break out and heads would roll. Knowing how overprotective they both were, she was sure they would go berserk and things never ended well when they did.

Lisa was still trying to stay calm when she heard Kristina cleared her throat. Her eyes instantly flew in Kristina's direction as she saw her taking a glass of water closer to her lips and said in a low voice.

"And apparently ended up kissing it too." She said and though it was too low for the rest of the people seated around the table to hear, it was still loud enough for Lisa to hear clearly.

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