Chapter 27 ✓

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|27.|  Next to you, I promise


     "Jungkook, please eat something." the green eyed-boy asks, looking worried at the younger one. 

      "I'm not hungry, Tae. " the younger boy says, and the other one just sighs.

       "But you haven't eaten in the last two days, Jungkook. In addition, I prepared the food myself, with my own hands. It's an honor to eat food prepared by Kim Taehyung. " the CEO tries to brighten up the atmosphere a bit, but the other one just looks at the floor.

       "I just... I feel dirty and I don't want to dirty the food as well. " this whisper makes Taehyung put the plate of food on the bunny boy's bedside table, and he turns his attention to him.

    He hates this. He hates to see how much Jungkook has started to despise and underestimate himself, because of that bastard. He hates to see only tears in the eyes that used to hide stars and galaxies. Eyes that were full of love and life, but now more empty than ever. He wants to hear his voice. How he was that voice full of warmth and like the caress of a harp, but now it's colder than he had ever thought it could be. He wants to see his childish attitude again, which used to make Taehyung smile. The attitude that is now more distant and more withdrawn, and that's only because of that bastard.

      That bastard is to blame. That demon that painfully broke the wings of his angel. That bastard who didn't think about how much pain he will leave after making that miserable gesture. Who did not think that what he would do would offend and destroy his relationship with his dead sister forever. How? How could he do that to his own nephew? How could he let the madness and the money be higher than the blood relationship he had with his sister, whom he also killed?

       He will rot in hell, and Taehyung is sure of that. His sentence will not be life imprisonment or anything like that, no. His punishment will be the one given by the Most High, when the time of judgment comes. And even if he wants to apologize or correct his mistakes then, it will be too late. He will surely pay for every tear, every sigh of Jungkook's. He will pay dearly for the fact that his damned soul destroyed another pure and innocent soul.

        "Jungkook, you are not dirty, okay?" the older  one begins, then he slowly touches the younger one's hair. "You are the purest soul I know, and your body is the same. If that monster decided to destroy a beautiful soul, then believe me he is the dirty one, Jungkook. He will be the one to be punished, and you will slowly realize that the pain you are feeling now will always remain in your heart, but it will diminish over time." he comments after and the doll eyed-boy just looks at him. 

      He cannot understand.  He can't understand why he feels the need to believe Taehyung. He can't understand why he feels like he can forget all the suffering, just looking at the CEO in the eyes. It's weird.  But it's somehow nice too. It's nice to know he has someone who thinks of him too. Someone who tries to cheer him up even if he doesn't succeed (but tries). Someone in whose arms he forgets those dark moments and the one who causes some strange butterflies in his stomach. But the bunny boy has to admit.

       It is kinda scary too. Why? Because despite what happened with Mathew, despite the fresh pain he feels, he continues to ... keep thinking about Taehyung far too much. He kept wondering what it would have been like if it hadn't been known that way, or what it would have been like if it weren't just an act. He keeps smiling every time the other one smiles and wonders again and again why the other one started behaving so ... nice to him. Why did he start hugging him? Or kiss his forehead? Or holding his hand when they were at the movie? Those things make him even more confused. But no, under no circumstances could Taehyung feel anything for him. He is a mess, and the older one shouldn't ruin its life.

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