Chapter 6 ✓

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    |6.| Broken mouth


      "I swear, Jimin hyung! This shit is even worse than your attempt of making food!" the doll eyed-boy comments, pointing at the bowl of soup, and his friend rolls his eyes.

     "Ok, first of all... My food is great, thank you!" the blond haired-boy replies sassily, and the other one just chuckles. "And second, you have to eat this soup, Kook. I know you hate hospitals, but if you want to get out from here as soon as possible, you have to make some sacrifices." he jokes after, but the younger one doesn't looks convinced.

     "I'm not hungry, Jimin." Jungkook says, then looks over his phone's screen. "You should go now. You already skipped two classes." he continues, and the older one just shrugs.

      "Today we don't have any important class anyway. So I guess... I can be here too. Y'know, to not die because of boredom." the blond haired-boy mumbles and the other one rolls his eyes.

      "Jimin, today we have a project and two hours of  Korean. Don't forget about the assignment for English too." the doll eyed-boy comments at his turn, then smiles. "I'm fine, you stupid head. I'm not dying or something, you can't escape from me so fast." he jokes after but frowns when Jimin slaps his forehead.

      "Don't talk about this kind of shit, idiot!" the older person raises his voice, then takes a deep breath. "It was Bogum, right?" he asks after, and Jungkook's smiles fade right away.

       "I- I... Yeah, that shit and his stupid friends." the younger one admits, and the older one nods, looking at the floor.

       "We should go to the police again, Jungkook. His father can't protect him forever." the blond haired-boy suggests but the younger one just sighs.

      "You know he can, Jimin. That father's jerk has a lot of power." Jungkook says then stops when he hears a knock at the door.

      "Come in!" Jimin answers instead, then the door opens, revealing Taehyung's father, Mr. Kim Chang.

      The man enters the room smiling, and Jungkook smiles forcefully at his turn. He hoped with all his heart that the man did not overheard the conversation with his friend. He really doesn't want anyone to know about Bogum. It's more than enough that Jimin already knows. He does not like to share personal issues with others, so he prefers not to talk to others about them.  

     "Uncle Chang! Hi!" the younger one says, as he gets up from his chair, then makes a polite bow.

     "If anyone else came to you, I guess I can go to college. " says Jimin and Jungkook approves immediately.

     "Yeah, you can go. You can return after classes to bring me today's notes. " the youngest suggest and his friend approves, while the man next to him sits on the chair next to the bed.

     Jimin leaves the room, and Mr. Chang looks at the boy on the hospital bed with a smile.

    "Your friend?" the man in the suit asks after, referring to the boy who left a few seconds ago.

     "Yeah, he is my best friend." the younger one answers, then shows his bunny teeth. "You shouldn't have bothered to come here, uncle. I don't even know why I have to stay here at my turn, but whatever. " he continues and the other one chuckles. 

     "How are you feeling now? Better?" the older one asks, as the bambi eyed-boy nods, then sighs. 

     "I just feel like I will die because of the boredom here." the pretty-boy comments, as the man straightens his voice.

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