Chapter 13 ✓

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     |13.| Just a kind gesture


    "So about what you have to do on the essay?" Taehyung then asks then takes a sit on the couch, next to the younger one.

      "Oh, are you done taking a shower? It was pretty fast." the doll eyed-boy comments, and the CEO just shrugs. 

      "I'm not used sitting in the shower for long. " the older one says, and the other nods, then gets up.

      "Wait a minute, I have to get something." Jungkook comments then goes away from the living room, as the older one lifts the laptop from the couch, then places it on his knees, and begins to read what Jungkook has written.

      "The refuge of a lost soul?" Taehyung mumbles, looking again at the title. 

    He doesn't understand what it could be, but he has to admit that it sounds a bit artistic.

       "And I am back!" the bunny boy's voice makes the CEO to stop reading, and when Jungkook sits back on the couch, Taehyung sees that he has a towel in his left hand.

       "What are you doing with that towel? " he asks, and the next gesture Jungkook makes forces the CEO to be speechless for a few seconds.

      He begins to massage his own hair with the towel, smiling like a child.

      "If you don't dry your hair after showering, you can get sick. " he says and continues to wipe his hair with his left hand.

      "I ... l will do it. " he says quickly and then takes the towel from Jungkook's hand.

    The younger one rolls his eyes, then sighs.

      "Sorry." the bunny boy mumbles as the other one leaves the towel next to him, on the couch. 

      "For what?" Taehyung asks, looking after at the laptop. 

       "I broke one of the rules of the contract again. "Jungkook says, and the other approves, starting to read the essay again. 

       "If you know you're breaking the rules, then why are you doing such things? " Taehyung asks and the other just shrugs.

       "Well, you also broke one of the rules I put in the contract. " he comments and the CEO looks back at him, raising his right eyebrow.

       "What do you mean? Didn't your friend come here, Jimin, not long ago? " he asks and the younger one rolls his eyes again. 

      "I had two rules. I also said that you must to smile often. " the younger one says and the older one just looks at him.

      "You had to work on your essay, right? If I have nothing to help you with, then I will leave. " Taehyung changes the subject, and the other straightens his voice.

      "Yeah, you have right, sorry." the doll eyed-boy says, then looks at the laptop on his turn. "The essay should be about the multitude of the word "love" and how it can be." he explains after as the CEO tries his best to change his expression. 

      "Read what you've written so far. I guess you have to present it as well, don't you? " he asks and Jungkook nods, then takes the laptop off the other's knees.

       "So the title is "The refuge of a lost soul". I still think about it, since it's about love, and this title sounds a little ... depressing." the bunny boy starts then chuckles and the other one listens to him intently. 

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